Free SUIT and FANGS by Marian Tee

Book: SUIT and FANGS by Marian Tee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marian Tee
forget to keep a lid on my natural abilities as a Caro.
    Immediately, the Brethren guards reacted, whirling around me, hands on their swords – yes, we were old-fashioned that way, but they did have guns, too – their gazes rapidly scanning the surroundings for any sign of threat.
    But the only threat was Luka, to my heart, and I doubt they’d kill him for me.
    My face turned red. “False alarm,” I said weakly.
    A slight, secretive smile was on Luka’s lips as he came towards me, the only way he was allowing himself to let me know he was having fun at my expense. Anything more than that would be unpardonably rude.
    “Until tomorrow, mi vavli.” And then he was getting inside his car.
    When the door slammed shut and the car started to move, I called for the Brethren guard nearest to me. “Wait.”
    He swiftly faced me, standing in attention, a soldier trained to follow a noble’s request.
    Doubt was growing ever so swiftly inside me, a virus I was desperate to contain.
    “Luka Georgiades is heading where?”
    The guard hesitated.
    “I, a full-blooded noble Caro, am asking you, a soldier, about a half-blooded Caro.” I wasn’t perfect like Luka. I would never hesitate to pull rank if I had to, and this time I needed to, more than anything else in the world.
    The guard immediately answered, “To the Moretti compound, Lady Caylie.”
    My heart started to race. “Why?”
    The guard hesitated again.
    “Answer with the rumors you have heard,” I commanded.
    “They say…there will be an engagement to solidify the alliance.”
    My phone started to ring. I ended the call, not having to look at it to know who it was.
    Liar, liar, liar.
    When the last of the Brethren guards blended back into obscurity, Jeff slowly walked towards me.
    It took a lot of effort to smile at him even as my heart continued to break.
    Why did he have to lie again? Why? Fuck, Luka, fuck – fuck – fuck why?
    “Are you really just friends?”
    “Yes.” It was my turn to lie.
    Luka was not my friend.
    He was my obsession, like I was his.
    It was time I accepted that.
    Jeff cleared his throat. “About the party…”
    Something reckless inside me burned. This time, my smile glittered. Jeff appeared dazed.
    Let the blood flow, the flesh burn, but never let the heart decide.
    It was time I also remembered that.
    “I’ll be there,” I said softly, a dark promise in my voice.

Chapter Four
    43 Months Ago
Luka remained in the darkness, doing his best not to let the cold rage inside him to take over his mind as he listened to another guy trying to hit on Caylie. He was just one of the many dozens that had attempted the same in the weekend that he and Caylie was staying at the Delicazzi vacation house for the clan’s annual summer ball. 
Her laughter was a sensual caress in itself and he gritted his teeth, hating how the other boys were allowed to hear it when that laugh should have been his alone.
“It’s rare to find you alone,” the sixteen-year-old Drako murmured.
“What do you mean?”  Caylie’s tone was more curious than coy.
Only a thin glass door separated him and the two. If he willed it, he could be in there in a second, crushing Drako’s hand into a thousand pieces of broken bones. If that boy dared touch what was his, that would happen.
He heard the smile in her voice as she said his name.
“He’s like a brother to me, but it’s not like he’s my keeper or my boyfriend.”
“Then if I try to kiss you---”
Caylie laughed again, but the sound was drifting away. He shifted, and through the curtain’s slit he saw her backing away, her pert breasts bouncing in her skimpy bikini. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
His fingers gripped Andrea Marcellini’s hair and thrust hard into her mouth.
She moaned, opening her mouth as wide as she could to accommodate his cock.
Luka closed his eyes and as he began to fuck Andrea’s mouth, he finally allowed himself to pretend that it was

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