Order of Britain: Stone of Madness

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Book: Order of Britain: Stone of Madness by Ben Myatt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ben Myatt
Clarence puffed on his pipe, his face inhumanly calm.
    “A little better. Still not good enough though. Allow me to demonstrate.”
    Clarence removed his pipe from his mouth, and nodded in Camerons direction. The blow took him on the chin, sending him reeling backwards against the door of the chamber. He slumped to the floor, glaring groggily at the rotund magician. 
    “Simple telekinesis, Wallace. If you can't even defend against that, how do you believe you can defend this country?” Clarence rose from the chair, and began to walk slowly around the table. Cameron launched bolts of lightning from his fingertips in an attempt to break through the shields. 
    Clarence continued his calm advance, until he stood above Cameron, his shields crackling with energy.
    “Do you know what will happen if I release the stored energy from my shields at you right now, Wallace?” He crouched, bringing his face level with his opponent's. “I assure you that I shall remain completely unharmed. However, the electricity will course through your body with enough power to stop your heart instantly. I'd like to believe it would be painless, but I rather suspect that it will instead be absolute agony – for about five or six seconds at least.” He raised himself back to his full height. The shields around him crackled ominously.
    “I shall only ask you once. Do you yield?” 
    Cameron held his gaze for a moment, then his eyes dropped.
    “I yield.” 
    Clarence smiled brightly. His shields dropped instantly, and with a crackle of static the electricity dispersed.
    “Jolly good show. Well fought, I do say.”
    He turned away, and pushed the door open. Gordon Daltrey was standing outside, his face nervous. He broke into a smile as Clarence emerged.
    “I gather you won then, sir?”
    “Of course. Do call the council, will you?”
    Gordon nodded, and began to turn away, but his eyes was caught by movement over Clarence's shoulder.
    Cameron was getting shakily to his feet, a snarl on his face. He drew back his hand, a ball of fire forming in the centre of his palm as he prepared to assault Clarence's unprotected back.
    Gordon stepped to the side and reached into the pocket of his suit. His hand came up holding the revolver Callum gave him. Thumbing back the hammer, he aimed and pulled the trigger in one smooth motion. 
    The bullet took Cameron high in the chest and he stumbled back against the round table he had so coveted. He stared at the little man in disbelief as he slumped to the floor, a crimson stream flooding from the hole in his chest. He opened his mouth as if to speak, but no words emerged. He continued to stare at Gordon until his eyes went blank, and his head rolled over to settle against his shoulder.
    Clarence glanced at the little man, who calmly returned his gun to his pocket.
    “I gather your perspective on the world has changed, Mr Daltrey?”
    “Somewhat sir. Now, if you excuse me, my team is relying on me for support.”
    Clarence gestured to the round table.
    “Work from here – I want the council to hear everything that's going on – and what they have allowed to come to pass.”
    The trio walked through the abandoned streets, their eyes wary of any potential threats. Callum, leading the way, walked with his hands in his pockets, clasping the butt of his revolver.
    “This is decidedly eerie,” Nathaniel murmured as they moved along the cobbled roads. “I've never seen London so quiet.”
    “It makes a change, at least,” Elizabeth said. She'd left the bow-baton tucked into her belt, and was once more carrying her reliable Martini-Henry carbine. They turned the corner, and halted in their path.
    The bubble of darkness was a palpable thing, spread across the road before them like a barrier. Glancing up, they could see the edges of its dome filling the sky, a more solid blackness against the inky night.
    “Well, we've come this far.” Callum said. He walked towards the darkness, took a deep breath, and

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