The Doggy Divas: Roxy’s Rules

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Book: The Doggy Divas: Roxy’s Rules by Lauren Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Brown
couldn’t have a repeat of the other day and end up in her gym shoes again. When Roxy was confident she could spend the day in the boots comfortably, she tied her hair up in a high ponytail and met her dad in the car.
    Roxy gulped as her dad dropped her off in the front of the school. Dogs were still running all over the lawn. Principal West was handing out detentions left and right to anyone who had a dog with them. She didn’t see Liz or Matt anywhere, but Kim and Georgia anxiously greeted Roxy as she stepped out of the car.
    Georgia had a stack of bright flyers printed with all of the Doggy Divas’ information that she had made using her dad’s copy machine the night before. Kim hugged a box to her chest, while Dixie, Izzy, and Jazzy, who was still ownerless, sat by her feet.
    â€œâ€™Morning, divas!” Roxy laughed as she exited the car and blew her dad a kiss. “What’s in the box?”
    â€œI have tons of treats lying around, so I thought it would be a nice touch to give a baggie full of them to anyone that makes an appointment today,” Kim said hesitantly. “I forgot to text you. Is that okay?”
    â€œOkay? It’s great! I love that idea,” Roxy exclaimed. “Let’s start handing out these flyers. Just, uh, try to stay away from Liz and those girls if you can…”
    Georgia scoffed as she dropped a stack of flyers in the middle of a group of seventh graders sitting on the ground.
    â€œYou look pretty today…” Georgia said. “Trying to impress anyone? Maybe his name rhymes with ‘cat’?”
    â€œThere’s a cat?” Kim asked fearfully as she stapled a few flyers onto a tree. “Izzy hates cats, and I’m more of a dog person, as you know…”
    Roxy and Georgia burst out laughing. The bell rang just as they handed out their last flyer.
    â€œOkay, girls—I’ll see you at lunch,” Roxy said as she ran off to homeroom. “Text me if anyone asks about the Doggy Divas before then!”
    The rest of the morning was a blur. Roxy felt like a celebrity in every class because everyone was bombarding her with questions about the Doggy Divas. It was like she was at a press conference. So many kids were desperate to pass their responsibility on to a new dog walker.
    Plus, their usual dog walkers didn’t knit sweaters nor bake homemade treats nor give their pups spa treatments, so the Doggy Divas was an instant hit. Even teachers stopped Roxy in the hall to ask for a flyer or more information. Roxy had only printed up a few business cards on her computer, and they were gone by the time she got to lunch.
    More dogs than students were roaming the school grounds, and the dog walkers were still striking outside the school yard. Roxy didn’t see an end in sight for this battle.
    Maybe the Doggy Divas will make us lots of money! Roxy smiled to herself as she scanned the crowd for Kim and Georgia. I can buy a whole new wardrobe.
    Roxy plopped down on the grassy lawn by the fence that was now the Doggy Divas’ designated lunch spot. She hugged her knees to her chest, put on her sunglasses, and tried to soak up some sun before the other girls arrived. Roxy was trying to think of tactful ways to propose giving Kim a makeover when she was startled by the commotion going on around her.
    â€œMe first! My mom is going to kill me if the dog poops in the house one more time!”
    â€œHey—quit elbowing me. I was ahead of you!”
    â€œGet out of my way. If you take my appointment, I’ll never talk to you again!”
    â€œM-o-v-e it!”
    A mob of classmates had surrounded Roxy and were fighting for her attention. Roxy had only seen this sort of commotion on Entertainment Tonight when crazy fans and paparazzi tried to get a celebrity to notice them at the Academy Awards.
    What in the world is going on here? Roxy stood up and looked around for Kim and Georgia.
    â€œExcuse me. I need an

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