The Doggy Divas: Roxy’s Rules

Free The Doggy Divas: Roxy’s Rules by Lauren Brown

Book: The Doggy Divas: Roxy’s Rules by Lauren Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Brown
just ignore our very first customer! Roxy, you do it!”
    â€œOkay…why am I shaking?” Roxy cried as she placed the ringing phone in her lap.
    Kim threw a dog toy at her.
    â€œCome on, this was your idea—just go for it.”
    Roxy shut her eyes tight and slowly lifted the phone to her ear. “Good afternoon, Doggy Divas. How can I help you?”
    Georgia and Kim put their arms around Roxy as she talked. They were gripping her so tightly that Roxy had to pry their hands away so she could breathe—and concentrate on the call!
    â€œYes, we are open for business.” Roxy’s eyes were wide with excitement. “Yes, we can take an order for a sweater. How big is your dog?”
    Georgia raised Jazzy high into the air and swung her around in circles. Kim kissed Izzy on the head.
    â€œOkay, Mrs. Cramden. Your little Princess will look adorable—we guarantee it.” Roxy was trying to stay calm, but she really wanted to reach through the phone and give Mrs. Cramden a big hug. “We can have it ready by Friday. Can I interest you in any of our homemade dog treats while I have you on the line?”
    Roxy hung up the phone, and Georgia and Kim pounced on her.
    â€œTell us everything!” they squealed.
    â€œThat was a nice touch, offering the dog treats!” Georgia said. “I’m impressed!”
    â€œDo they want them?” Kim asked expectantly. “I can try a new recipe tonight!”
    But before Roxy could get a word out, the phone rang again.
    â€œI’m so getting it this time!” Georgia declared and grabbed the phone before anyone could argue with her. “Doggy Divas, can I help you?”
    Roxy and Kim both strained their ears to see if they could make out what the person on the other end of the phone was saying.
    â€œOh, so you’re not calling on Doggy Diva business?” Georgia asked slyly. “Can I tell her what this is regarding?”
    Roxy’s eyes were as big and round as vinyl records.
    â€œNo worries. I’ll absolutely be sure to tell her you called,” Georgia said sweetly. “And I’m sure she can tell you more about the Doggy Divas then too!”
    Georgia looked absolutely superior as she hung up the phone.
    â€œHow much is it worth for me to tell you who was on the phone?” Georgia asked Roxy with a wink. “Because I’m thinking you at least have to give me your iPod or a pair of those fancy designer boots in your closet if you really want to know!”
    â€œWas it Liz?” Roxy asked with a tinge of fear in her voice. “She wasn’t on the email, even though I knew she’d find out all about this immediately. Gossip clings to her like to a magnet.”
    â€œNo, but wow, look how scared you are of her! I knew it!” Georgia pointed out. “Right, Kim?”
    Kim was busy giving Izzy and Jazzy tummy rubs and hadn’t paid an ounce of attention to the exchange.
    â€œI’m not scared! I just want to know,” Roxy said curtly. “It’s my phone line—I have rights here.”
    â€œFine! It was Matt,” Georgia said smugly. “What’s that all about? Isn’t he the reason why you and Liz aren’t talking? Besides the fact that she’s a wretched, tiara-wearing witch…”
    â€œYou’re lying!” Roxy shrieked. “Tell me who was really on the phone!”
    â€œI’m not lying. I swear on the sweaters I’m going to knit for the Doggy Divas that it was Matt Billings on the phone. He said he wanted to talk about the note he gave you today and congratulate you on Doggy Divas,” Georgia said. “I guess he was on our mass email, huh? And what note?”
    Roxy felt like she was going to faint. Matt was calling her to talk? Was he going to turn Liz in for blackmailing him into being her boyfriend? Now all she needed was for Liz to leave school to start competing in pageants in…oh say, Africa, and

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