The Doggy Divas: Roxy’s Rules

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Book: The Doggy Divas: Roxy’s Rules by Lauren Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Brown
life would be great. If Liz was gone, maybe Roxy would take her kiss with Matt in the bakery more seriously. Maybe she did have feelings for him after all that could make them more than friends.
    â€œEarth to Roxy,” Georgia interrupted. “Are you going to tell us the deal with Matt? I think that as your new business partners, we do have some right to know.”
    â€œNope, there’s nothing to tell,” Roxy said. “I’ll see you guys in the morning so we can start handing out flyers, and then we’ll kick things into high gear at lunch!” Roxy stood up and opened her bedroom door. “Just text me tonight if you think of anything else we need to do.”
    Georgia raised her eyebrows at Roxy but packed up her stuff anyway. Kim put leashes on Izzy and Jazzy, and gave Roxy an awkward hug.
    â€œWhat was that for?” Roxy asked as she gently hugged her back.
    â€œJust sorry again about making a mess before,” Kim said. “Georgia, I hope you can fix that sweater I got dirty.”
    Roxy couldn’t believe it, but Georgia actually hugged Kim too. It was just one arm and a quick pat on the back, but it was something.
    â€œDon’t get used to that,” Georgia said with a laugh as she walked out of the room with Kim and the dogs behind her. “Good night, Roxy. Don’t stay up too late whispering sweet nothings to your boyfriend, Matt Billings!”
    â€œShut up!” Roxy squealed and slammed her bedroom door shut. She couldn’t help but smile as she heard the girls run down the stairs and out the front door.
    I think I’ll let Matt sweat it out tonight and catch up with him tomorrow at school , Roxy thought to herself as she put new sheets on her bed and sprayed every inch of her room with perfume. The stench from Kim, her dogs, and the treats were going to be hard to get used to—and to get rid of!

    Kim's treats are gross. I don't want to be mean, but they taste like dirt. So, I did what any dog looking to score good treats would do. I stole some from Matt's backpack after school.
    He didn't notice. He was arguing with Liz. She wanted Matt to defriend Roxy on Facebook. When Matt said he wouldn't do it, Liz went wild. I guess no one ever taught her “no” in obedience school.
    I just wanted treats - not drama!

Chapter Eight
    The next morning, Roxy woke up feeling like she had forgotten to do something. She’d finished all her homework, so she needed a minute to figure out what was nagging her.
    Oh, right. I didn’t call Matt back , she realized as she peeled her sleeping mask off her eyes and plucked the earplugs from her ears. The mask was labeled “Beauty Queen” and was a hand-me-down from Liz. She had gotten it in a gift bag at a pageant, but she applied special moisturizer every night to keep her skin smooth and thought the mask would irritate her complexion.
    Roxy had taken the mask happily because rays of sun poked through her shades and woke her up every morning. The earplugs were a new part of her sleep regimen. Those annoying dog walkers had the nerve to start protesting and marching through the neighborhood at 5 a.m. The previous night, Roxy’s dad had brought home a pair of earplugs for everyone in the family.
    Should I call Matt back now? Roxy wondered as she sneaked into her parents’ room to see if her mom had anything her daughter could borrow. This is where I need Liz. She always knows the right thing to do when it comes to boys.
    Roxy found a cute, navy-blue tank dress in her mom’s closet that looked nothing like anything in the Fashion Bible. What she wore didn’t matter, now that the dogs had destroyed the notebook, but Roxy didn’t want to take any chances. She went back to her room, put on a thin, black belt, and dressed up the look with a pair of ankle boots.
    Turning her bedroom into an imaginary runway, Roxy sashayed across the floor a few times. She

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