Repair Me
the shit.” He walked away from me and laughed as he head down the hallway.
                  I reached for my phone that he had thrown on the floor and searched through my text messages and I immediately saw the text from Natalia that was sent last night.
                  ‘ Had an awesome time with you again Friday. Hope you’ll come out again this weekend’
                  I lift my sore body from the floor and walked to the kitchen to pour a cup of coffee. A small fall to the floor was painful when Anthony had caused it. His strength was much more powerful that he thought. It wasn't just physical, but mentally he was torturing me. More than anything he could care less, he felt that I deserved it, like I was paying him back.
                  Anthony sat at the table reading the newspaper. “I’ll send a tow truck for your car on Saturday. I don’t have time today.” He only allowed me to drive to school and back, complaining on the cost of gas, but unwillingly to drive me to there his self. So he bought a used car for me when I moved here. Yesterday it died. He knew I didn’t have money to fix it, so I was stuck here today. On my days off from school.
                  “I need to go. I have a meeting in an hour.” And he stood from the table and buttoned his suit jacket. “There’s food in the fridge, don’t make a mess.” He left the house without kissing me good-bye, just walked out. I dropped my head to the table. I so badly wanted to reply 'yes Father... or maybe screw yourself bastard', but instead, I sat shaking my head without actually physically moving it.
                  I took a long shower and cried the entire time. Anthony had promised me the world and he did, but I had to deal with his bullshit on his bad days. I reminded myself that he was a stressed man and I had no other option. Did I really want to live the life my Mom did? Barely able to afford a 2 bedroom crappy apartment then leaving everything for a truck driver? That wasn't what I wanted. Was there such a thing as a perfect life or at least a happy one?
                  Natalia called me later that afternoon “Hey, Avery, did you get my message last night? You never text me back.”
                  “Yeah I got it.” I spoke softly. If only she knew the bullshit I had put up with over a single message.
                  “So… yes, no? Are gonna come or what?”
                  “No I really can’t go. Anthony found out about last weekend and he’s pissed.”
                  “You’re a fucking adult, Avery. He’s not your Father!” she yelled back. Natalia knew that Anthony was an ass at times, she knew he was controlling, but she had no idea that he had ever hurt me.... physically.
                  “It’s not worth it, Natalia!” I screamed back. “I need to stay here. I have no family, you’re all I have and you know you can’t let me live with you. He’s my only option.”
                  “But you don’t always have to obey his fucking rules! You need to stand up for yourself every once in awhile. He can’t control your every thoughts.”
                  “Natalia come over, look at my body, then tell me whether or not it’s worth it!” I cried. I looked at my bruised shoulder. I felt the large tender spots on my back. The way he had pushed me off the bed, made me fall hard onto my back half of my body. I was sore and he loved the feeling that he left a reminder to obey his orders. With pain through my body, I could literally hear his voice.
                  “He did what?” She howled into the receiver. “Scott, Anthony hit Avery!” She screamed in the background. Obviously she was with her boyfriend.
                  The voice immediately changed. “Where the fuck is he, Avery?”

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