Vanishing Dreams: Vanishing Dreams (Devil's Bend #2)

Free Vanishing Dreams: Vanishing Dreams (Devil's Bend #2) by Nicole Edwards

Book: Vanishing Dreams: Vanishing Dreams (Devil's Bend #2) by Nicole Edwards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Edwards
momentarily, he instructed her to move up on the bed while he
retrieved a condom from the box he’d placed in the nightstand when he’d arrived
earlier. If he didn’t make preparations now, he feared his brain would be too
overloaded to worry about it later, and that was the last thing he wanted. As
much as he wanted to slide his dick into the warm, wet depths of her pussy,
feeling her skin to skin, he knew now wasn’t the time. They had to work up to
    Which he fully intended to do, just not tonight.
    Tossing the foil package onto the comforter beside her, Dalton knelt on
the bed, leaning forward and sliding his tongue through her swollen pussy lips,
not giving her a chance to stop him. He eased between her thighs, forcing her
legs over his shoulders as he ate her like the starving man he was. He devoured
her, licking, sucking, using two fingers to penetrate her. He couldn’t stop
himself. She tasted so fucking good, the musky scent of her sex driving him
forward, making him crazy with lust.
    “Dalton,” Katie cried out. “Oh… Oh, my… Dalton, I’m gonna come.”
    He wanted to urge her to come, but he didn’t remove his mouth from her
pussy, flicking her clit relentlessly while thrusting his fingers into her,
feeling her muscles clamp down on him. Fuck.
    He had no idea how much time passed while he continued to finger fuck
her, teasing her clit. Her body went rigid beneath him, her clit pulsing
against his tongue as she cried out. He wanted her to scream his name, and he
would get there, but at the moment, the way she screamed was enough.
    While she came down from her climax, Dalton rolled the condom over his
rigid cock, his eyes never leaving her. And when he was suited up, he spread
her legs with his knees, aligning their bodies as he came down over her. Using
one hand to guide himself, he pushed inside, her tight pussy sheathing him.
    Sweat beaded on his forehead as he held himself back, not wanting to
hurt her. When he was balls deep, he held himself above her, their eyes linked
    “You’re so tight. Wet. Damn, Katie. You feel so fucking good.”
    Her hands came up and wreathed his neck, her arms pulling him to her.
His lips hovered above hers.
    “Lick my lips,” he instructed. “Taste yourself.”
    Katie did as he commanded, her little pink tongue darting out and
sliding over his bottom lip, then his top. He met her tongue with his own
before crushing his mouth to hers and thrusting deeper. Deeper than he thought
    Her legs came up and wrapped around his hips, holding him to her. His
dick throbbed and pulsed, the vicelike grip of her pussy testing his restraint.
    Needing air, he pulled back, studying her face.
    “I’m gonna fuck you, Katie.”
    She nodded.
    He took that as permission and resituated himself so that he was on his
knees. He gripped her hips, pulling her to him until her ass was off the bed as
he began tunneling in and out of her. He drove his hips forward, slamming into
her and retreating just as quickly. He couldn’t help himself. His sole
objective was to possess her, making sure she knew just who she belonged to.
Because even if she hadn’t realized it yet, she did belong to him.
    Dalton had never felt like this with a woman. Sure, he’d had rough sex,
crazy sex, but never had he wanted to claim a woman. Not the way he wanted to
claim Katie.
    “Fuck, you feel so good.” Lifting her hips higher, he changed the
angle, driving into her over and over, faster. “Come for me, Katie.”
    Katie’s fingernails dug into his forearms as she held on. “Yes. Oh,
God, Dalton. It feels so good. Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop.”
    Every muscle in his body tensed as he tried to hold back, needing to
send her over before he lost it. Watching the way her beautiful tits bounced
with every jarring thrust, the way her back bowed, her head tilted back as he
pounded into her.
    He would never forget this moment. Not in a million years.
    Letting go of her with one hand, he

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