Battle Mage: Forging New Steel (Tales of Alus Book 9)

Free Battle Mage: Forging New Steel (Tales of Alus Book 9) by Donald Wigboldy

Book: Battle Mage: Forging New Steel (Tales of Alus Book 9) by Donald Wigboldy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donald Wigboldy
lost on this decision, Sebastian rose to pick out the evening’s clothes before taking a quick bath.
    Sebastian had barely held Ashleen’s chair to seat the girl, before Mecklin pointed to the scabbard on his hip and asked, “That’s not the Hollow Sword. What is that?”
    Surprised at the attention, the younger mage replied, “I found it at a sword merchant today. He said that it was sold to him by a blond haired girl and a pair of falcons from Staron. I purchased it because this isn’t made from normal metal. It was created by using magic.”
    The others moved closer in an effort to help him keep his voice down. They could tell that this sword held concerns for the owl and if his instincts said there was something off about it; then it was best to keep matters between them.
    Frell looked thoughtful and asked, “She was a pretty blond haired girl with some Staronen mages?”
    Sebastian looked to the woman and nodded, since she had nearly repeated his description.
    “I wonder how many battle mages from Staron were in the city and in the company of a girl with that description? We may have met this group here during Winter’s Edge.”
    “Was that the girl that Olan was going on about when we were getting ready to sail?”
    Frell nodded. “Olan met a falcon with reddish brown hair, but Ardost said the pretty blond girl spoke with an accent that he hadn’t recognized. She had a smell that was sweet as her personality.
    “I’m not even into women and I thought she was pretty,” the falcon laughed. “There were three total mages and a female wizard that fought in the tournament also, but I danced with one of the men.”
    Rubbing his chin, Sebastian considered the description and had a feeling that it must have been the same people.
    “We ran into them a couple days after the tournament ended and I think Ardost said the girl was going to attend White Hall.”
    That brought a frown to the owl’s face. If this girl was just going to the school as a student, how could she possibly have discovered a type of magic to create such a weapon? Could she have sold it for someone else that she knew?
    “Maybe I’ll have to ask Bharen if the blond had an accent tomorrow,” Sebastian replied almost dismissively.
    “You didn’t get roped into the parade for the Grimnal?” Serrena asked in surprise.
    Sighing, the owl replied slightly annoyed, “Unfortunately I did along with Ashleen, though I suppose as a Kardorian, she could refuse.”
    Ashleen smiled and gave a shrug answering, “I’ve got nothing better to do, since my teacher will be in the parade.”
    The statement made the others frown in confusion. Serrena asked for them all, “Your teacher will be in the parade? Who is teaching you? I thought that your master died on one of the black ships.”
    Being overly blunt, Ashleen looked like she had been slapped in the face as she fought back tears almost instantly thinking of her dead master. It hadn’t been that long since the deaths of so many of her friends at the hands of the emperor’s Wizard Hunters and their black ships. A little more subdued thanks to the fire wizard who winced as she realized how harsh her words had been, Ashleen replied, “Sebastian is trying to teach me some of his techniques and spells. We are trying to remake the Hollow Sword with another blade as a template. I am trying to use the magic I know in a way that might help me see what I need to do to make one also.”
    “You can make more hollow swords?” Mecklin asked in surprise.
    Sebastian shrugged trying not to get their hopes up though he was optimistic, “I made one and if I can either find swords with comparable strength or make my own, then I should be able to make more.”
    It was Frell who asked, “Then would you become a smith instead of a battle mage, Bas? I didn’t think that you were ready to fade into the back lines just yet.”
    Mecklin nodded and added, “I know that there is probably pressure coming from above to

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