Design For Loving

Free Design For Loving by Jenny Lane

Book: Design For Loving by Jenny Lane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenny Lane
and, as Lyall said he needed some stamps, walked the short distance to the post office. Katie paused to look in the window of the antique shop and something immediately caught her attention.
    ‘ Lyall, come and look at this!’
    He was by her side in an instant. ‘What’s wrong, Katie?’
    She pointed to the centre of the display. ‘Lyall, that’s Aunt Alice’s cigarette box, the one that Jack took!’ He whistled. ‘It certainly looks like it, but are you sure?’
    ‘ Of course, I’d know it anywhere. Anyway, it’s easy enough to identify. It’s got a distinctive mark on the inside. I really can’t believe Jack would stoop so low as to have sold it.’
    ‘ I could tell the owner it’s stolen property.’
    Katie shook her head. ‘It would mean involving the police and we’ve already decided against that. I wonder how much they’re asking for it?’
    ‘ Wait here, I’ll go and ask. I might be able to make a few subtle enquiries as to how he came by it and, if it means so much to Aunt Alice, then I’d be only too pleased to redeem it.’
    ‘ Actually, it means a lot to me as well, Lyall.’
    He stared at her. ‘You see it was actually my grandparents who gave it to Aunt Alice and Uncle George for a silver wedding present, so it’s of sentimental value. Oh, it’s true, Aunt Alice did say Jack could have it, but she wouldn’t have expected him to have sold it.’

    A few minutes later, Lyall came out of the antique shop clutching a package and looking pleased with himself. ‘I had a bit of a chat with the owner, did a deal, and he let me have it for a special price. He wasn’t prepared to tell me how he came by it, though.’
    ‘ Thanks, Lyall, it’ll make Aunt Alice’s day, to say nothing of mine!’
    He grinned. ‘Then it was a worthwhile investment!’
    As he drove the short distance back to Lyndhurst, Katie said, ‘This trouble that Jack’s in, do you happen to know what it might be, Lyall?’
    He didn’t reply for so long that she thought he hadn’t heard her question, but as they approached the village, he broke the silence. ‘Jack did something rather foolish which he now regrets, and only he can put it right. I thought he’d decided to remain in Lyndhurst, face the music, but he chose to leave and since then I haven’t heard from him. I can only assume he’s got himself into more trouble. He has been known to mix with some rather dubious types.’
    Katie stared at him. ‘You mean these so-called friends might have caught up with him, put pressure on him?’
    Lyall shook his head. ‘I honestly don’t know, but I would advise you not to get involved. It’s up to Jack to decide whether to come clean about what’s happened, or make a fresh start for himself as far away from here as possible.’
    ‘ Then why doesn’t he go? What exactly is there to keep him here?’
    Lyall shrugged. ‘Who can say? He’s never been good at commitment, but he obviously enjoyed working at his pottery. Perhaps he’s hoping for a second chance.’
    Aunt Alice was thrilled by the return of the cigarette box and even shed a tear. She hugged Lyall. ‘Thank you so much! Oh, I know what I said about not minding, but I’m afraid I was just trying to put on a brave front. I’m deeply hurt at the way Jack’s behaved and would like to give him a piece of my mind. And you, young man, let’s hope you don’t do a vanishing act, too.’
    Lyall perched on the sofa. ‘Oh, I’ve got no intention of disappearing and, when and if I do decide to move on, I’ll be sure to give you plenty of warning and come back to visit. You can’t get rid of me that easily, and now I suppose Katie and I had better get back to the workshop or Shelley will think we’ve both cleared off!’
    The minute they entered the work shop, Shelley informed Lyall, ‘Your lady friend was on the phone just now. Said to ring her right back. Olive. No, that can’t be right.’
    ‘ Olivia. Thanks.’ He didn’t correct her

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