Into Her Life: (The Complete Taboo Story of Forbidden Love)

Free Into Her Life: (The Complete Taboo Story of Forbidden Love) by Jill Soffalot

Book: Into Her Life: (The Complete Taboo Story of Forbidden Love) by Jill Soffalot Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jill Soffalot
position, sitting up and rolling her onto her side. She obeyed his directions and swung her leg across so that he could take her on the side, his cock cutting in deep. She moaned at how deep he was going, but in the new position he was hitting her g-spot, sliding along the sensitive spot inside.
    C.J. put a hand on her breast and massaged her, feeling and squeezing her swollen tit, rubbing his thumb against her hard nipple. "Fuck," she moaned, reached down to massage her clit. The orgasm was coming, and touching herself brought it forth even faster. She squeezed her eyes shut and concentrated on the feelings: his hand on her breast, his cock sliding deep inside of her, his body pushing against hers, her fingers on her clit and...
    She came, a deep, shuddering come, the orgasm was different from the earlier one. The first was all tingles and electricity, and the second one was a force, like thunderclaps pounding out from her pussy through her body. Every muscle tightened, everything locked, and she gasped, "Oh, oh, uh, uh, ohhhhhh."
    C.J. suddenly sped up, hammering away, and then he pulled out of her and came, shooting his come across her body. It spattered across her side, her belly, her breasts, all the way up to her neck, with the last drops dribbling onto her hip as C.J. panted and gasped, his head rolling.
    He flopped down on his side next to her. They looked at each other.
    "Holy shit," she said, then giggled and reached over to touch him on the cheek. "We're a mess."
    "We really are." He closed his eyes tight for a moment, then sat up. "Can I grab you a towel or something?"
    "Take something from the clothes hamper," she said. He stood up, found the hamper in the dark, and brought her a towel. She took it and quickly cleaned herself up, then tossed the towel back at the hamper.
    C.J. lay back down next to her. He reached over and cupped her breast in his hand, gently squeezing and caressing it. "What now?" he said softly.
    "I don't know," she said. She was enjoying watching him play with her body. "But I think we're a little fucked up."
    "Do you think we're crazy or something?" he asked. "Like, is there something really wrong with us?"
    "I don't know. But it seems strange that we'd both go crazy in the same way at the same time, doesn't it?"
    "I guess." He looked her in the eye. "But I think you're right. I think we're fucked."
    She rolled on her back and stared into the darkness. She knew whatever trouble they were getting into had only just begun.

Chapter Eight: My Sister's Perfect Ass
    Smoke drifted up from the tip of Keryn's cigarette, creating a smoggy blue fug around the ceiling of her bedroom. She knew she shouldn't be smoking in there. If she kept it up, pretty soon the stink would seep into every inch of her closet and drawers, and everything she owned would smell like cigarette smoke. It was a stupid thing to do, but bad decisions seemed to be her specialty at the moment.
    She was naked, lying on her side in bed. The ashtray was on her nightstand, within easy reach. Nestled tightly behind her, also naked, was her brother C.J., his exhausted cock pressed against the back of her thighs. He held his sister's breast, his face snuggled against the back of her neck. She took a drag on the cigarette and exhaled. They watched the smoke drift up and collect in the dim corners. It was late Saturday afternoon, and the blinds were shut.
    C.J. took his hand from her breast and plucked the cigarette from between her fingers, bringing it to his own lips. He took a drag, blew out, and gave it back to her.
    They hadn't spoken in some time.
    They'd made love for the first time the night before. It had been traumatic and confusing, but an ecstatic experience which neither of them could have possibly anticipated before C.J. came to stay with her. After all, they hadn't seen each other once since they were in middle school, and at that time they couldn't stand each other. Yet somehow they'd each felt a magnetic pull, and in less

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