Surrender to Temptation Part V: Tempted to Reveal

Free Surrender to Temptation Part V: Tempted to Reveal by Lauren Jameson

Book: Surrender to Temptation Part V: Tempted to Reveal by Lauren Jameson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Jameson
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    InterMix eBook edition / January 2013
    Surrender to Temptation
copyright © 2013 by Lauren Jameson.
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Chapter One
    My hands shook as I contemplated lifting my coffee cup for a drink. After a night without even a minute of sleep, it seemed like more work than I could manage. I had been here, in the office, for an hour already, hoping for the distraction that my workload might give me.
    Instead, everything in the entire building seemed to whisper Zach’s name, tormenting me like a thousand tiny needles pricking my tender skin.
    I squirmed in my seat at the thought, my bottom sore and hot after last night with Zach despite the tea tree ointment he had administered and the warm bath we had soaked in together. As the discomfort washed over me, so did anger.
    We were over. After all I had been through with him, it was absolutely, positively, one hundred percent over.
    I had tried, dammit. I had opened myself up to things that had shocked me to my core, just to please him. I had let him tie me up, had let him paddle like an impertinent child.
    In the end, it hadn’t mattered. He couldn’t give me what I needed. I had hoped for more than he said he could give, and look how that had turned out for me. And try as I might, his rejection—again—forced those little fingers of self-doubt to play over my neck in a discomforting sensation.
    Get a grip, Devon.
Scowling, I shoved my coffee, now ice-cold, to the corner of my desk and pulled my keyboard closer. As eight o’clock neared, I welcomed the distraction of my coworkers as they began to trickle in.
    Diversion was good. I would welcome anything that could help me forget Zachariah St.

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