Freedom Fight: Beginnings Series Book 9

Free Freedom Fight: Beginnings Series Book 9 by Jacqueline Druga

Book: Freedom Fight: Beginnings Series Book 9 by Jacqueline Druga Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jacqueline Druga
She was perfectly fine and now she’s crying . . . Asshole!”
    The line hung up.
    Dean’s hand clenched the phone so tightly he could have broken it. With rage he handed it back to Robbie and spun around facing Joe. “This is wrong. He’s wrong. He took her Joe. Took her! I want her back here, back home where she belongs.” Dean pointed as he walked backwards. “I will give him until tomorrow to bring her home. If he’s not back tomorrow, I will go after her myself!”
    “If he’s not back by tomorrow, I’ll send a chopper for her. I won’t stop you from going.”
    Dean gave an angry nod and stormed out of the communications room.
    Henry’s eyes shifted to Joe, to Robbie, and then to the door Dean barreled out of. “Boy, is he mad. I told you he’d be mad when he found out. Joe, you don’t really think he’s going to kill Frank, do you?”
    Joe raised his eyebrows as he bounced from heel to toe. He didn’t have an answer for Henry on that one.
Ft. Peck Lake
    Frank kept his eyes on Ellen who sat on the step of the cabin’s porch. Her head rested against her knees and Frank sat next to her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do this to you. This wasn’t supposed to be something bad. I wasn’t thinking.” Frank’s hand hovered over her head in hesitation. “I’m sorry for everything I said.” His hand fell gently to her hair and he moved his lips close to her ear. “Tell me you’ll forgive me. Tell me we’ll use what time we have left out here to work through this . . . together. Please.”
    Ellen raised her head slightly then let it drop onto Frank’s lap. He pulled her close and held her.
Beginnings, Montana
    Jason Godrichson whistled a happy tune in the cryo-lab because that was all he could do while watching a totally irate Dean fly about the lab. That and do his lab work. The buzz of the cryo lab door was a welcome relief sound to Jason, Something different rather than grunting, slamming and banging.
    Andrea waltzed in with a smile and a wave. Jason shook his head in warning to her. Andrea merely gave Jason a ‘don’t be silly’ look and moved to Dean.
    “Morning, Dean.”
    Dean looked up from the freezer case he peered into then slammed the lid.
    “Joe sent me to talk to you. He said you’re upset.”
    “Upset? Upset? Andrea, upset is an understatement.” Dean’s voice was loud. “He took her. He kidnapped her. All because he needed her to himself. I need her! Do you see me snatching her up in the middle of the night and making an escape with her! No!”
    Andrea didn’t bat an eyelash at Dean’s ranting. She stayed calm. “Dean, take a breath.”
    “Dean.” Andrea laid her hands on his shoulder. “Breath e with me. Ready?”
    “Andrea . . .”
    “Dean,” her voice still soothing, “breathe with me, cleansing breaths. In and . . .”
    “Andrea, I don’t . . .”
    “Dean,” she scolded loudly, “knock it off and breathe with me! Sweet Jesus, get it together boy. Now!” She closed her mouth and a startled Dean took in three long breaths with her. “Better?”
    Dean grunted and moved about the lab with his work.
    “Two things.” She followed him. “No wait three. Stop your little ass right now and face me. I deserve more respect than to speak to your back.”
    Dean stopped and looked at her.
    “Thank you.” Andrea smiled again. “First, Joe needs you at his office for a meeting about something. He said it would take an hour. Second. Joe spoke to Frank again. Day after tomorrow, first light, he’s bringing Ellen home. Joe said to tell you he spoke to Ellen and she agreed to one more day. So . . .” Andrea pulled up a stool and sat down. “Are we feeling better now?”
    “No,” Dean said, “I’m still killing him.” Dean walked back over to his freezer case.
    “Oh Dean, I know how upset you are but I really don’t think you’re killing Frank. He’s not worth your soul burning for all eternity in hell. Keep in

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