Jinxing The Alphas: A Paranormal Werewolf Romance (Hex My Heart Book 2)

Free Jinxing The Alphas: A Paranormal Werewolf Romance (Hex My Heart Book 2) by Talina Perkins

Book: Jinxing The Alphas: A Paranormal Werewolf Romance (Hex My Heart Book 2) by Talina Perkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Talina Perkins
against her shoulder, his voice dark, hungry. Luke’s heart pounded beneath her touch, the beat bold and steady, like the men she loved. They were strong, loyal and before tonight she would have said foolishly stubborn. Now she understood the need for them to protect those around them even if she didn’t realize how much she needed it.
    Her heart swelled with a wash of pride and adoration for both men.
    Want them to stop? No. Never. “Yes.” Her answer a breathy plea. “Continue. Don’t… stop… giving.” Take. She worked her throat. There was no escaping tonight and she didn’t want to. Heat surrounded her, from the front and equally from the back. Pleasure to be found both ways. What else could she do but give in? Chills brushed along her overheated skin at the thought. She was surrounded on all sides and right where she wanted to be. “Now.” With that she let herself fall into their special brand of sweet torturous pleasure. Her eyes drifted closed, because she let them and of her own free will.
    “Oh no, you don’t. Look at me.” Luke’s command popped her gaze back to his. Fierce red drilled into her and reached into her soul. He shifted his leg and parted hers, then eased the crown of his cock along the seam of her folds to settle against her swollen clit. With bold swirls he teased, stroked, ignited.
    Chiseled muscle nestled her back. “I can feel it… the bond. Like a faint whisper.” Evan spoke close to her ear in a deep, lusty growl. His arm wrapped protectively around her quivering stomach, anchoring to him. As if he feared she would slip away from him if he didn’t hold her just a little bit tighter. “It’s buried beneath the influence of the elixir.” He shifted behind her to look over her shoulder at Luke. “We should move fast.”
    Fast. She could handle fast. Her body hummed with anticipation for her alphas, but her soul yearned for their bond just as much.
    The words to her spell tickled the back of her mind. With unity, bring forth this night a soul so bright. She’d meant her own shattered soul, but her magick saw deeper than any of them could predict and formed the unity on the most primitive level.
    A magnetic power rumbled over her and left her heart trembling. Maybe they weren’t too late. By the goddess and her moonpowers, Ambrosia had sealed their fate tonight without knowing it.
    Luke gathered the ends of her gown and pulled it over her head to toss it aside. Their first night together he’d vowed if he could have one wish he’d ask for her, naked between him and Evan night after night.
    She pressed her back into Evan and nuzzled Luke’s neck, thankful for the tiniest amount of control over her movements once again. Maybe wishes—and jinxes—had a way of working out, after all.
    Luke wedged himself between her folds, the bulbous head of his cock nestled at her entrance. Her breath quickened. Mindless bliss settled over her and for that one second before he penetrated her, everything stilled. The air, the past, the future. Everything ground to a halt. He pressed forward, inched his way into her channel, closing what little space existed between them. Deeper. Her walls clenched, flexed around his shaft. She was his. And Evan’s.
    The mad urge to thrust forward until she had all of him overtook her.
    She whimpered in anticipation, unable to move from where the weight of his thigh locked her motionless.
    “It’s okay, little witch. I can feel you. We’ve waited for you for so long, my sweet Ambrosia.” Luke soothed her with his whispered words as he pulled out to stroke the head of his cock through her wet slit. “God, you’re so fucking tight. I don’t want to hurt you.”
    Empty. She wanted him back. Looking into his eyes, the crimson intensified. Her breath stilled and for one solid second she forgot to breathe. The wolf gazed back at her and he was hungry.
    Heat sizzled between them so hot it made her face flush and her body shudder with pent-up

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