Naked Sushi

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Book: Naked Sushi by Jina Bacarr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jina Bacarr
couldn’t deny I loved it. His unrelenting bulge pushing into my butt crack made me hover on the verge of a climax. Feeling all hot and sticky, I contracted my pubes just a little. Okay, more than a little. I enjoyed the surge of pleasure racing through me.
    Yes, yes.
    “I’m sure that’s hard on you,” I said, reaching behind me and grabbing the bulge in his pants to demonstrate my point.
    He stifled a groan. “I know how to fix that.”
    “Yeah,” he said in a low, sexy voice.
    My nipples tightened and a flutter of anticipation settled low in my belly. He lifted up my T-shirt and unhooked my bra. I nudged up against him and closed my eyes. I was just settling into the heat of the moment when—
    “ Me-ow. ”
    “What the hell is that?” Steve asked in a loud whisper.
    “It sounded like a cat.” I felt something furry crawl up my jeans leg, tickling me. A shudder went through me.
    What if it wasn’t a cat—
    Gathering up my courage, I bent down and wrapped my hands around a wiggling creature, then a second one. I held the tiny bundles of fur up to the light peeking through the door.
    I smiled.
    “Kittens. So that’s why the cat was fat and sassy,” I said, hugging the little creatures with the Hello Kitty cuteness. “She must have followed me inside the house and then sneaked in here to have her babies.”
    “They’ll be safe here,” Steve said, opening the door wider. “But we have to make a run for it.”
    “We can’t leave the mother and her kittens,” I protested, holding two in my hand and putting a third one into my shirt pocket.
    “We have to, Pepper. It’s against Bureau policy to put witnesses in the line of fire,” Steve said, wearing his FBI hat, “including furry ones.”
    “So was making love to me,” I reminded him, both of us keeping our voices to a whisper. “But that didn’t stop you.”
    His eyes focused on me for a minute and then he grabbed the mother cat. “Let’s go.”
    Hugging the wall, we slipped out of the room without the office manager spotting us and made our way down the hallway. I swore my shoes squeaked. We were nearly at the stairway when a milk-hungry kitten scratched my hand.
    “Ye-ow!” I cried out and bumped my hip against the railing. I lost my balance and—
    “Oh, shit!” I said under my breath. The room whirled around me and I saw the marble entryway looming in my face. I was dizzy, but all I could think about were the kittens. I’d never forgive myself if—
    “Steve, the kittens!” I called out in a harsh whisper.
    “It’s you I’m worried about, Pepper,” Steve said, hauling my ass up by my jeans waistband before I went over the railing. “The kittens have nine lives. You don’t.”
    I fell into his arms, still hugging the tiny felines. I couldn’t help but stifle a cry. No one ever worried about me before.
    God, it felt good.
    I didn’t have time to enjoy the moment. Ms. Sims was acting like a diva behaving badly.
    “Who’s there?” yelled the office manager.
    She rushed out of the office and scanned the hallway but didn’t see us. She looked disheveled and bleary-eyed, every hair out of place. Catching my breath, I could see her black pencil-slim pants and high-heeled pointy shoes, her skinny butt swaying back and forth like two pomegranates.
    “Be ready to move out,” Steve said, holding the wriggling mother cat. He let her go and, with a loud me-ow , she scampered across the polished floor, sending the office manager into a tirade of expletives. Who knew the woman had such a sexist vocabulary? She slammed the office door shut and went back to erasing the files from her computer.
    “ Go! ” Steve whispered, grabbing the feline. We left the same way we came in. No guard in sight. Ms. Sims must have sent him on an errand to keep him out of her way. She didn’t trust anybody, even her own nephew. It wasn’t until we were speeding away in Steve’s old Buick, the mother cat and her kittens snuggled in my lap,

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