Naked Sushi

Free Naked Sushi by Jina Bacarr

Book: Naked Sushi by Jina Bacarr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jina Bacarr
fire me twice?
    I pulled back out of sight, the sound of my breathing loud in my ears. Or was that Steve breathing down my neck? Nice. I couldn’t stop a shiver wiggling down my spine. Damn, this was no time to rev up my libido. We had to bail out of here and slip through the hidden entrance unseen.
    Still, I wasn’t complaining about the delay in our getaway. What girl would? Crushed up against his hard body in the small dark room, I couldn’t get enough of him pressed up against me, his hands caressing my back. Up and down. Slowly. His lips brushing the bare skin on my neck. Every nerve alert.
    I rubbed that special spot between my legs where my jeans cut into me. Damn, it burned. I wouldn’t be able to control my pent-up passion much longer. Not when it felt this good. A slow fire simmered in my belly, evoking a pleasant ache that set me on edge.
    Until I heard Mr. Briggs say, “I thought you erased that girl from your computer.”
    “I’m sure I deleted her,” said Ms. Sims, tapping her long black nails on her keyboard like a freak show organist. “Yes, her files are gone.”
    “I still can’t figure out how she knew I was going to be at that sushi restaurant.”
    The office manager stopped typing on her keyboard. The silence was so acute it made me want to grind my teeth to assure myself time hadn’t stopped. “I can,” she said.
    “What do you mean?” Mr. Briggs asked, clearing his throat.
    “She’s been poking around in here.”
    “ What? ”
    “See for yourself. I entered the luncheon information on your calendar. She must have hacked in here and found it.” She raked her nails across the wooden desk, straining my nerves even further. “I told you she was too smart for her jeans.”
    I let out my breath, pleasantly surprised. A compliment from this woman was akin to scoring a date with a Cosmo hottie.
    Mr. Briggs snorted loudly. “Then she had access to all my files, the little bitch.”
    Ouch! That hurt , Mr. Briggs , I wanted to shout. I saved this company from going into the toilet when a rival software firm tried to steal our code. I stayed up two days straight patching up the holes. And this was the thanks I got?
    I exhaled. Loudly. I was ready to bust outta there and tell him to go fuck himself when Steve pulled me back. His hands gripped my butt. Hard.
    “Cool it, Pepper.”
    “I’m not going to let him get away with calling me names,” I whispered, squirming. I opened the door wider and saw my ex-boss pacing up and down and wiping his sweaty face with a paper towel.
    “This isn’t the time to get personal.” Steve held me in a tight grip. I couldn’t move. “There’s more at stake here than your pride. A good agent wouldn’t let that bother her.”
    “What are you saying?” I asked.
    “Think about it, Pepper” was all he said.
    I let it go, seeing how Mr. Briggs was fit to be tied. Smacking his palms on the desk like a hungry walrus. “I want you to back up everything on that computer,” he told his office manager, “and then erase it.”
    Ms. Sims lifted her crooked brow. “That could take hours.”
    “I don’t care. Do it. ”
    “This wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t insisted on hiring her,” she mumbled, rubbing it in. Mr. Briggs ignored her and left.
    His footsteps faded away and then the elevator bell dinged as the door closed. The upstairs was quiet again except for the office manager tapping away like the Mad Hatter on speed.
    “What are we going to do?” I whispered to Steve, leaning my head back against his shoulder. The air in the small room was stuffy and made me sweat. “We can’t leave without her seeing us.”
    “Looks like we’re stuck in here for the rest of the night,” he said in a low, dreamy voice that turned my legs into warm, gooey caramel.
    “You don’t sound disappointed.”
    “Are you?”
    I heard an excited murmur from him as he pushed his groin into my ass, asserting his maleness with an undeniable show of power. I

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