Demons (Darkness #4)

Free Demons (Darkness #4) by K.F. Breene

Book: Demons (Darkness #4) by K.F. Breene Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.F. Breene
snake, scurrying up and around her. By the time she straightened, his kick landed across her ribs. She sprawled out, face skidding along the dirt.
    “C’mon, Adnan,” I said beneath my breath, my body tense.
    “Here we go,” Charles murmured.
    “He’s not ready for the Watch,” Jonas drawled, arms starting to flex. These guys hated when they couldn’t join a fight.
    “No, not yet. But he’s close.” Charles flinched as Claudia’s foot banged off of Adnan’s shoulder. She had a high reach, I’d say that much. “Give him a couple more years and keep him with Sasha and he’ll be one of the best.”
    “Keep him with Sasha? What, does he need a nursemaid?” Jonas snarled.
    Irritation bubbled up, but it was Charles that answered. “Bro, where’ve you been, under a rock ? Her special talent is boosting the magic in someone she works with.”
    “Her special talent?” Jonas spit as Adnan whipped around ninja style, his hands moving so fast Claudia couldn’t keep the look of strained bewilderment from her face. He kicked her thigh, jabbed her cheek, and then slashed at her throat. Like a gaping fish, she staggered backward, grabbing her bruised neck.
    “Oh shit, yo. He shouldn’t have done that. She gets really evil when she’s mad.” A delighted grin lit up Charles’ face.
    “What’s your special talent?” J onas asked Charles, glancing sideways at him. “Shitting yourself in glee every time you come?”
    “Only if the ladies are into that sorta thing.”
    “Good god,” I groaned. “ Why are you guys so gross? I’m in desperate need of girl time. Remind me to call Ann.”
    Charles laughed. “You know I’m kidding with that comment, right , Sasha? There are certain lines even I won’t cross.”
    I turned to Charles with fisted hands, annoyance bubbling up and overflowing. “Charles, gross , okay? I am under a lot of pressure with this council thing in a few weeks, and I don’t want to hear about…that stuff. I really don’t. Okay? Please?”
    “Wow,” Charles said under his breath.
    Claudia’s head titled downwards like a character in an evil movie. She looked at Adnan out from under short brown lashes. Her eyebrows dipped low over her eyes.
    “This just got good, bro,” Charles whispered excitedly, his immaturity showing. The guy was bouncing on his feet in anticipation.
    Claudia charged, half graceful lioness, half stomping elephant. She rammed a hard blow at Adnan’s gut. He blocked, dancing away. She followed, determination and rage warring on her face. She jabbed at him again, followed by a left hook. He took the jab but ducked under the hook, his foot swinging around to clip her on the butt. She was already moving, though.
    Red glazed from the tattoos swirling her arms.
    “Uh, oh,” I muttered. Usually, to spar, Stefan’s clan kept magic out of it. When the magic infused the runes and other incantations etched into their skin, their body became a weapon, like a sword or mallet. They could rend and tear as easily as if they had claws.
    Claudia was no longer messing around.
    “Is this allowed?” I asked in a small voice. “Should I call this off? I don’t want Adnan to get hurt.”
    “He’ll be fine,” Jonas growled. “He just has to quit dicking around and cash in on her weaknesses.”
    “He’s not as good at identifying that, bro.” Charles said while he stared intently. “He hasn’t been around the block like you have.”
    Jonas shifted, his flexed arms coming away from his body , making thick cords of muscle pop out down the length. The gruesome divot where the demon had gouged him was red and puckered, still healing. Although, healing extremely fast. Toa had done something with magic, but wouldn’t tell me what. I was to learn useful spells and incantations, like linking, killing, and blocking.
    Our priorities were a little different.
    A wave of nausea rolled through my stomach at that thought, taking my focus from the fight in front of me. Toa was trying to

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