The Heat Is On

Free The Heat Is On by Katie Rose

Book: The Heat Is On by Katie Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Rose
    “That’s it, baby,” he whispered, cupping her with his hand, rocking her world even more. “Now it’s my turn.” He pulled off her panties, put on a condom, and then entered her with one powerful thrust.
    It was so hot, the way he filled her, pinning her against the bed. She could feel her body expanding to accommodate him, even as her pussy continued contracting. That seemed to excite him even more, for he lifted her hips and pounded her, bringing up her knees so that he had full and complete access.
    Within minutes she could feel it building again, that aching need deep inside. Nothing mattered except what she was feeling, and what was happening between them. When she cried out again, this time he thrust deep inside her, throwing his head back in a hoarse moan, his body pulsing as he came.
    The minutes passed as they slowly came back to earth. Tracy’s eyes fluttered and when they opened, she saw Connor gather her up in his arms, kissing her in that sensitive spot just behind her ear.
    “I’m going to have to remember you like this.” He gave her a wicked grin. When she gave him a questioning look, he explained. “After all, it was this move that got us here a lot faster than I had planned.”
    She smiled back even as her stomach growled. “You do that.”
    “Bet you’re really hungry now,” he said, getting up from the bed and tossing her his robe. “Bathroom is through there. I’m going to get us dinner.”
    He closed the door, allowing her a few moments of privacy that she cherished. He hadn’t been so thoughtful when he was young, but he’d grown into it as a man, and she found it utterly endearing.
    When she got up from the bed, she saw that it was a completely rumpled disaster.
    We did that
, she thought in satisfaction, tying on his white terry-cloth robe.
I just had wild sex with one of the hottest guys in baseball. Connor. My Connor!
For a woman who had spent the morning negotiating fights between toddlers, diaper changes, and watching
princess dances, the thought was intoxicating.
    And she knew she should be afraid: all of the feelings she had for Connor that she thought long buried were front and center. But try as she might, she refused to go there. Instead, her body glowed and she felt more of a woman than she had in a very long time.
    She didn’t think he’d mind if she grabbed a quick shower, and she realized this time there would be no interruptions. Even though that was a luxurious thought, she missed them. An aching hole opened inside her as she thought of Mason, so proud to be the man of the house; Chloe, her little fairy sprite; Ethan, a puzzle in so many ways; and Lily, smelling like a warm ivory rose as she lifted her baby arms…
    Her throat knotted. This was the first time she’d had her mom over for the night since…Lily was born. It was wrong and right at the same time, and she felt out of sync, so used to the rhythm of her and the kids…
    But she needed
time. She knew that. She couldn’t limit her life to her children; she would burn out. Somehow she managed to get hold of herself, remind herself that she wasn’t neglecting them; they would be just fine.
    And she had a gorgeous ballplayer waiting for her in the next room.
    When she returned to the kitchen, he had a glass of wine waiting for her. He turned from the stove, wearing nothing but pajama bottoms, which had to be hands-down the sexiest look for a man.
    “You okay?” He handed her the glass.
    She took a sip of the amber liquid. It was cool, it was fruity, and it was wonderful. Her eyes lifted to his and she smiled. “I am perfect. You have no idea.”
    “I have some. I feel a little incredible myself. Ready to eat?”
    He lifted the lid and she saw angel hair pasta with vegetables, white wine, and garlic. A salad waited on the counter, and he put that on a table that was set with white linen, candles, and flowers.
    Tracy was impressed. No man had ever cooked for her. In college, she

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