Going Deep (Divemasters Book 2)

Free Going Deep (Divemasters Book 2) by Jayne Rylon

Book: Going Deep (Divemasters Book 2) by Jayne Rylon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Rylon
even have to look in the direction she lifted her chin toward. There was no mistaking the islet. Especially since nothing but miles and miles of empty Pacific stretched beyond that. “Yep. We were hoping to take the guests snorkeling and diving at a bunch of the sites within the crater, depending on your plans and whether you’re ready to begin your research this quickly. It’s notorious for its insane visibility and provides a wide range of difficulties that will make it ideal for the groups with various levels of experience already onboard.”
    “Oh, that will be perfect!” Sabine felt the first flutters of excitement in her belly. This was what she’d trained for. What she’d dreamed of. Though she never would have hoped for these circumstances, the thought of making a breakthrough discovery still thrilled her. “Marta and I were searching for vessels in range of this area. She found you guys and reached out to the Banks Foundation about the possibility of coming onboard because we know this was Heinrich’s last stop on his collection trip, which wrapped about three weeks earlier than expected. He’d never done that before. I believe he quit looking when he found whatever it was that had him going bananas. I didn’t realize you were already here , though. I’m glad I’m not pulling you off course.”
    “It wouldn’t matter. Wherever you need us to go, we’ll be there.” Miguel squeezed her hand, infusing his strength into their connection.
    He ushered her onto the dive platform and she stutter stepped. He was right there to steady her, keeping himself between her and the ocean lapping at the hull. “Wow.”
    “I know.” He chuckled. “I still can’t believe we get to work here.”
    She looked around at the pristine gear, so neatly organized across the spacious bay. It had everything you could wish for, more than she’d ever had the luxury of diving with before on a research vessel. Damn.
    When she’d picked her jaw up off the decking, Miguel led her to a nook tucked into the back corner. It looked like it had been an open-air study area that they’d enclosed with tinted aquamarine glass especially for her. The space inside wasn’t the largest she’d ever seen, but it was perfect. Whiteboards, centrifuges, microscopes, test tubes, chemical lockers…you name it, they had it. She had it at her disposal. Every essential and even a few perks she hadn’t had in her Monterey research facility.
    Including a man who was turning out to be the most capable assistant on Earth.
    “Will this be okay?” Miguel asked her. “Say the word and I’m sure Banks can arrange for anything else you need. Seriously, just let me know and we’ll make it happen.”
    Sabine wiped moisture from the corner of one eye. Who said there weren’t good people left in the world?
    She turned to him and flung her arms around his neck. When he caught her, she added her legs to the full body hug.
    “Wait until Banks gets his thank-you kiss,” Tosin teased from the doorway where he leaned against the frame. Archer and Waverly laughed softly from behind him. “It’ll probably be the highlight of his year.”
    “It would indeed,” Banks said entirely too primly for anyone to keep a straight face.
    Sabine unwound herself from Miguel and trotted to Banks. She went onto her tiptoes to buss his cheek noisily, causing him to beam as he patted her back lightly.
    “Thank you so much,” she whispered.
    “You’re very welcome, dear.” He straightened the black ruffles around the neckline of her crocheted cover-up, which hid a modest one-piece suit beneath. His stare caught on her necklace. “That’s beautiful.”
    “I think so, too.” She smiled. “Miguel made it. When he was a boy.”
    “Really?” Banks shifted his assessing gaze to the man in question, who only shrugged. “It makes you wonder sometimes, doesn’t it, if there’s truly such a thing as fate.”
    “I’m a believer,” Waverly said, without taking her stare

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