Enforcing Home

Free Enforcing Home by A. American

Book: Enforcing Home by A. American Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. American
tortillas. It was nice sitting at the table with the girls and Mel, talking, laughing, just being together.
    Taylor looked better today, actually smiling and laughing a little. It was good to see her bouncing back from it. Lee Ann was her normal self. It appeared to have had little effect on her, which was good, but could also be bad. Maybe it was because she didn’t know for certain, unlike her sister, that she’d actually killed someone. Taylor knew. She’d looked the man in his eyes as she shot him, hard for anyone to deal with.
    When breakfast was done I gave everyone a hug and strapped on my gear. Kind of a surreal version of the old days, getting ready for work; except now I put on a pistol and sling a carbine over my shoulder. Saying bye, I went out the door.
    “Mornin’,” Sarge said as I stepped out on the porch. I jumped at the sound of his voice and spun around.
    “You scared the shit outta me! How long have you been out here?”
    “A while, I saw you having breakfast with the girls and figured I’d let you be.” He looked up at me and smiled, “you needed it.” The dogs were at his feet and he was scratching Drake on the head.
    “You hungry? I think there’s a little left,” I said.
    He waved me off, “Nah, leave it for them girls.”
    “So, to what do I owe the pleasure of your smiling face this morning?”
    “The boys found them guys last night,” Sarge replied, a more serious tone in his voice.
    “And it’s going to be a tough nut to crack. These guys found Jeff while Ted and Mikey were out sneaking around the woods.”
    I stopped and looked at him. Fearing the worst, I asked, “And?”
    “They roughed him up pretty good, but they got dealt with; three more ole Billy Boy can add to the tally.”
    Relieved, I let out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding. “That’s gonna piss him off even more.”
    “That’s what I figure.”
    “I guess we need to come up with a plan today.”
    “We’ll work on it later. Right now we’ve got to go to town; the Captain wants to see us,” Sarge said as he stood up. The dogs followed us out to the Hummer. Sarge opened the door to the Hummer, “hop in.” Meathead immediately jumped in, taking up the passenger seat.
    “What the hell does he want? We’ve got enough shit going on,” I replied. Then I looked at the dog, “get your ass out of there.” I opened the door and waited, Meathead just stared back at me.
    “Let him be; he wants to go for a ride to.”
    Sarge started the truck and headed towards the gate. “Guess we’re about to find out what ole Sheffield wants. Let’s go get Thad and Danny; I want the guys to stay here. Between them and Ian’s crew they should be able to keep this place secure while we’re gone.”
    I shrugged, “Guess it won’t hurt much to get out; I wanted to go to the store on the corner anyway today.”
    At Danny’s house Thad and Danny hopped in with us, and I climbed up into the turret, thinking it would be a nicer ride. Danny offered to take the position, but I told him I wanted to. He could ride with Meathead.
    “How are the girls?” Thad shouted.
    I ducked my head down inside the truck. “Good; better than I would have thought really.”
    Thad smiled, “That’s good news; I was worried about Taylor.”
    When I stood back up I saw Doc walking down the road, his ever-present backpack slung over his shoulder, and his weapon hanging from its sling. Sarge stopped beside him.
    “Hop in with us Doc; we’re going to town,” Sarge said.
    “Sounds good to me; got nothing else to do right now,” Doc said as he climbed in beside Thad.
    Doc looked at Meathead, “Damn that mutt stinks. Don’t you ever give him a bath?”
    Poking my head back inside I smiled, “Nope. Even if I did he’d still smell like death.”
    At the barricade Sarge stopped again; Ian and Jamie were there. “Mornin’ Gyrene,” Sarge said to Ian.
    “Semper Fi,” Ian replied with a smile.
    “Keep your eyes open;

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