Margaritifer Basin (Margaritifer Trilogy Book 1)

Free Margaritifer Basin (Margaritifer Trilogy Book 1) by Gregory Gates

Book: Margaritifer Basin (Margaritifer Trilogy Book 1) by Gregory Gates Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gregory Gates
go on.”
    “After Oberlin, I went to MIT for a
Ph.D. in Applied Physics but, um, it just didn’t work out very well. So I
dropped out of the doctoral program and settled for a masters in Nuclear
Science and Engineering, with an emphasis in applied plasma physics.”
    Jeff grinned. “Now there’s a
mouthful. What went wrong? If you don’t mind my asking?”
    “Um…” Gabe bit her lip and stared
at the table.
    “More personality conflicts?”
    She nodded, and after a moment
looked up at him. “I… I sometimes have trouble getting along with people.”
    Jeff nodded and smiled. “Gabe, in
the rarified atmosphere of your intellectual caliber, I don’t think that
problem is particularly uncommon.”
    She forced a tiny smile.
    “Have you seen the film, Real
Genius ?”
    Gabe laughed. “I think it’s my
favorite movie. I love it.”
    Jeff winked at her. “One of mine,
too. Smart People on Ice.”
    She covered her mouth, laughing.
“That scene is hilarious.”
    “Yeah. I think Jordan is my
favorite character. Talk about hyperactive.”
    “Yeah, she’s great.”
    Jeff couldn’t help but think there
was a lot more to Gabe than met the eye. Perhaps wound a little too tight, but
also much smarter than even the academic résumé suggested. “Don’t be too hard
on yourself, Gabe. Being smart is not the world’s easiest job. People expect a
lot more from you, and meeting those expectations takes a lot more than just
being smart.”
    She smiled softly. “Thank you.”
    “So, from Massachusetts you moved
on to sunny southern California?”
    “Yes. I’ve been here for three
years. And if my thesis defense goes as planned, I’ll graduate in a few weeks
with a Ph.D. in aeronautics and a minor in applied physics.”
    “Congratulations. Hell of an accomplishment.
Tell me about your thesis.”
    “It’s a theoretical investigation
into the potential use of super-cooled magnets in magnetohydrodynamic plasma
jets and the tradeoffs between fuel consumption, thrust and power
    Jeff smiled and nodded, congratulating
himself for comprehending what she just said. “Okay. So you have an interest in
propulsion systems for deep space exploration?”
    “Well, they’re the next step to the
stars. They’re far more powerful than ion drives and much safer than nuclear electric.”
    He nodded in understanding, “Uh
huh, but is your motivation theoretical or practical?”
    She stared at him and raised her
eyebrows curiously, “Both, I think. We’re not going to be leaving for outer
space anytime soon, but it’d be nice if we had the means to get there at our
disposal when the time comes. And it will come.”
    “No argument there. I presume you
also have a pretty good handle on chemical propulsion?”
    She smiled, “Yeah, I know a bit
about it. Besides all the requisite book learning, I interned over at JPL doing
some work on the Mars Science Lab cruise stage.”
     “Ah, that could be useful.” Jeff
sat back and thought for minute. Why not? She was just the kind of partner he
envisioned. “Gabe, I have a great deal of money and a plan for how to spend it.
And in spite of your concerns, I think you’re just the kind of person I’m
looking for.”
    Gabe brushed her bangs back while
tilting her head and staring at him quizzically. “Well, I’m flattered but… What
exactly is it your company does?”
    Jeff tried the coffee again. A few
minutes of cooling had not helped. He leaned back in the chair and held his
breath; now came the awkward part. After a moment, he took a deep breath, bit
his lip, and answered her question. “Right now? Nothing. But it’s going to do great
things. Monumental things. Things that no one has ever done before. I am
financing a manned mission to Mars. The first cargo launch will go up in
eighteen months and crew launch is scheduled for March 2016, a little less than
four years from now.”
    Gabriel sat silently, staring at
him, as though her brain was trying to digest a

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