
Free Zauran by Poppet

Book: Zauran by Poppet Read Free Book Online
Authors: Poppet
cared so much for anyone. This was fated. I simply made it official so my brothers Ryan and Sveta can fight over Božena instead of you.”
    “ Who's Božena?”
    “ The woman you saw Darise with.”
    It makes me instantly tense, and he mercifully withdraws his body from mine as I clamp up.
    “ Am I really pregnant?”
    “ Yes.”
    “ Twins?”
    “ Yes.” This time it's said with pride in his voice.
    “ I'm not ready to be a mother.”
    “ They'll wait. They'll only grow when you're ready for them.”
    “ What?”
    “ Yes Zaria, you have a choice.” Flopping his body over mine, his kiss is as sweet and soft as a shy teenager. “I'm not a monster, I just adore you enough to protect you every way I can.”
    They'll wait? Wow. Okay.
    “ For how long?” I frown, drawn back into the nightmare paradise of his opalescent eyes.
    “ They can wait a decade.” His hands entomb my head and strong thumbs press into my cheeks, “You screamed my name. God I adore you!”
    Pockets of kisses are rained across my face, his chuckle so delighted and sexy that I find myself smiling.
    “ Tell me you love me... again. Say it to me instead of my back.” His eyes look instantly as strained as his voice.
    “ I love you,” I whisper, squashing my cheeks into his hands when I smile.
    “ You are so perfect. I'm the luckiest neuri in Serbia.”
    That would make me the luckiest human. Pleasure like I've endured this night could kill a woman. Or make her Kali crazy. Beyond insane, the kind of looney that scares psychopaths.
    He laughs, rolling me with him, “It's time I parched your other thirsts and replenished your body with sustenance. Coffee?”
    Okay, now it's definitely official. Call a press conference. I have just found a perfect male.
    “ I'd love some coffee,” I say through a cheek aching smile.
    Cradling me in the crook of his arm, lifting me to stand with him, he pauses, staring down and into me with such severe tenderness it makes my blood ache, “Stay with me tonight?”
    I nod acceptance. I'd already decided I would if it was offered. The very last person I want to face when I'm feeling this wonderful, is Darise. He's a problem that can wait for tomorrow.
    His hand laces fingers through mine and clasps possessively, and I'm mesmerized yet again by the joy in his vivid aqua and dravite eyes.
    Walking into the cavern of pre-dawn darkness holding her hand, feeling her vitality chasing up my veins through my skin, I hope I've done enough to keep her safe.
    Will Jowendrhan come after us? Will Ryan back down?
    I have a bad feeling slithering in my soul; something supernatural is coming. Shit is going to hit the fan, I just hope it's not because I stepped on a vampyre ego tonight.
    Stepped? Ha, I fucking stomped it into dust.

    Chapter 10
    Jowendrhan catches me again, using his weight and strength to snare my arms and pin me to the black wall. These passages are dim, deliberately. They're a haven for illicit activities and a lot of deep breathing.
    “ Božena, we need to stop meeting like this, it's turning me on.”
    Rough around the edges with a hint of domination play gets my blood pumping, and it acts on my mind the way an opiate would. It sedates me, kicking my docile gene to the forefront, the one that has willing victim tattooed on her scars.
    It's like having survival palsy, no matter how much you think you are in imminent danger you are paralyzed to run, weakened so you can't fight, helpless but to watch it all happen and submit to the inevitable. I find it exciting when a man can be gentle and dominant simultaneously.
    But Jowendrhan is no man, he's a vampyre.
    “ Get lost, Jo.” To back up my words I lift my leg and stamp the heel on the tip of his boot, wrestling my wrists inside his grip and struggling against him, but it's futile.
    I wouldn't stand a chance against him if he really means it, not unless I grow wings and become an angel.
    Shadowing every one of my

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