Star Crusades Nexus: Book 06 - Call to Arms

Free Star Crusades Nexus: Book 06 - Call to Arms by Michael G. Thomas

Book: Star Crusades Nexus: Book 06 - Call to Arms by Michael G. Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael G. Thomas
bitterness and distrust towards Gun, Khan, and their people. Although she could understand part of it, the basic criticism always came down to the first of their kind, those built with the butchered body parts of the living.
    “Yes, a small number of the first Biomechs were made from organs taken from the dead. I think the brains and nervous systems were used from a number of prisoners, and the final production models were replicated from these.”
    She looked back to Olik who was still some distance away. The only other time she had seen Khan or even Gun show as much interest in something was when they were examining a new weapon or piece of armor. Prometheus meant so much more to them, more than even she would probably be able to understand.
    “This place is like nothing we, as humans, will ever have. It is their birthplace, and no matter how many years go past, they will always be reminded of it. Unlike us, they were manufactured, at least the generation during the War. Don’t forget that with the help of people like Anderson, we’ve been able to support the Jötnar to procreate naturally, instead of in factories.
    “Yeah, so their numbers go up. Is that good?” asked Captain Rivers.
    Teresa looked confused.
    “You should know the loyalty of the Jötnar better than most. Why should they not enjoy the same as us?”
    Captain Thomas Thompson, who had until now remained seated, quietly lifted himself to his feet. He was a tall man and had said nothing so far. Unlike the others, his interest in the Jötnar was out of courtesy only. Teresa suspected this was due to his considerable amount of time spent training alongside them. Of the three captains, he was the only one who had spent anything more than a few hours with the Jötnar.
    She and Spartan had been on a Biomech hunt on Hyperion with the Jötnar, and it was an experience that left you both bonded and scarred. It was a time she would never want to forget, not least because that was the first vacation the two of them had spent following their marriage. She looked back to the young Captain again.
    They are probably nothing more than other marines to him.
    She noticed him looking at his secpad, and he began to speak but stopped. Something on the screen almost made him choke.
    “Colonel, there’s a priority message going out to all officers.”
    Her secpad began to vibrate and make a gentle humming sound.
    “It’s from the Admiral, here on this base.”
    “I don’t understand,” she said.
    She pulled out the device and examined the data carefully. By the time she was past the third line, her body was shaking. She looked up. All of her officers, as well as T’Kron and Olik, were there.
    “You’ve heard then?”
    Only Olik shook his head.
    “What is it?”
    Teresa wiped her brow.
    “You recall the Biomech ship that Gun and I boarded?”
    He nodded.
    “Well, we captured its commander, and it was taken to the Naval Base on T’Karan.”
    She took in another long breath.
    “It’s not there anymore. Anderson has sent out an urgent message to all commanders on this station. He arrived three hours ago and has brought it with him.”
    Captain Thompson shook his head in surprise.
    Teresa tried to answer, but the imagery of the Biomech commander was pushed to the forefront of her memory. The fight to stop it had been one of the bloodiest single engagements she’d ever seen on board a warship. Her own marines had suffered badly, but in the end they had captured the ship and disabled the great machine. Its great black metal chassis had been twice the size of Gun or Khan and had killed dozens of fighters before it had been disabled.
    “I don’t understand the thinking behind this, Colonel. The enemy commander is a major intelligence asset. Why bring him back here?”
    Teresa looked at more information coming in, read it, and then lifted the device so that her officers could see the imagery. It showed the blackened shape of the great machine,

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