Southern Charms

Free Southern Charms by S. E. Kloos

Book: Southern Charms by S. E. Kloos Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. E. Kloos
me that drunk, Sugar Britches.” His smirk widened a bit at the challenging look that sparked in her eyes. Once she was in the kitchen, he turned to her aunt. “This is some amazing Chicken, Mrs. Johnson.”
    Steff beamed at him, “Why thank you kindly, Xander. I played with my mama’s recipe, and this was the outcome.”
    Then Elizabeth came back, her voice colored with the same pride that was on Marshal’s face. “It was voted best in three counties.” After she handed out the beer and took her seat again, she turned to Xander with a smile. “And if you think this is good, wait till dessert. She made this pecan pie that will knock your socks off.”
    She was right, too. As much as he loved his mama’s pecan pie, Mrs. Johnson’s was better by a mile. After everyone was done eating, they just stayed at the table talking about this and that. Xander had slouched down in his seat a bit, draping one arm over the back of his chair. After glancing at Elizabeth out of the corner of his eye, he took a chance to set his other hand on her knee, leaving it there when all she did was look at him briefly before turning back to the conversation.
    After a while, the conversation turned to Xander and his broken ankle. Marshal had asked how long he was laid out for, as well as when he was going to be able to ride again, to which he shrugged a bit. “Doc said ‘bout a month or so ‘for this thing comes off. I was already signed up for this rodeo in Dallas in two weeks. Entry wasn’t cheap, but it’s too late to back out. However, due to the circumstances, they gonna allow a sub rider, so I’ma be workin’ with Mark to take my place for it.”
    Elizabeth looked at him while cocking her head to the side. “Why not Kyle?”
    Xander leaned forward a bit, eyeing his brother. “You wanna answer that?”
    Kyle shrugged slightly, looking at Elizabeth when he spoke. “I would’ve, had Mark not said he would, but I don’t compete anymore. I got chunked few years back. Jarred my back up pretty good, and I’m smart enough to think twice about lettin’ it happen again.”
    Elizabeth looked confused at the terms used. “Chunked? Like you got bit or something?”
    Kyle smirked a bit and shook his head. “Naw, Sugar. I was thrown from a bronco and landed bad. While I can still ride, I tend to only do so outside an arena.”
    Elizabeth just nodded, having nothing to say to that. She could certainly understand his point of view on the matter. She wouldn’t take the chance of it happening again either. Instead, she looked back at Xander. “So, what exactly happens at one of these? I didn’t get to see much at the one yesterday.”
    Clicking his tongue a few times, Xander shrugged a bit. “Can’t really explain it, Little Darlin’. It would be somethin’ to see for yourself. I mean, I can give ya a rundown if ya like, but words just don’t it.” Then he hummed a bit, “If ya want, you welcome to come and watch as I give Mark a crash course later this week. It still won’t be the same as the actual event or nothin’, since he ain’t ever done it, but it should give ya the basics.”
    She smiled at that, nodding her head. “Sure. Sounds like fun.”

    Chapter 11
    Four days later, Elizabeth pulled up to the Steele ranch in her uncle’s truck. After knocking on the door, as well as a short talk with Mrs. Steele, she was pointed out to the backyard where she would find Xander as he tried his damnedest to teach Mark to ride a bucking bronco and a bull.
    From what she was hearing, it wasn’t going well.
    “God damn it, Mark; you hurt that steed and I’ma have your fuckin’ hide.”
    Biting her lip slightly, she walked up behind him, calling out. “Well, it looks like this is going well.”
    Xander looked over his shoulder, a light glare on his face, being unable to wipe it off completely. He was irritated and borderline pissed off at this point, since there seemed to be no way to get the dumbfuck to listen to him. His

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