Melted & Shattered

Free Melted & Shattered by Emily Eck

Book: Melted & Shattered by Emily Eck Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Eck
Tags: L&J#2
accident. A royally fucked up, hot ass mess of an accident. He didn’t know it was me. Everything happened so fast, and people I saw everyday often passed right by me when I had straight hair. Still... Did that make it forgivable?
    “Well shit,” I mumbled as the first tear fell.

Chapter 7
    The weekend passed in a blur. Some of the kitchen guys came over Friday before their shift to hang out. Jesse popped for pizza and they caught me up on all the gossip. For a bunch of guys, they sure did like telling me who was fucking who. The cooks fucked the servers all the time. I was the only one with the no sex at work policy. Probably because I was the only girl in the kitchen with all these horny boys.
    Sunday, Aaron came over in the afternoon after his shift at the restaurant. I’d asked him to take me to the grocery store. I needed to stock up the fridge, and Chris and I were still on nonspeaking terms. I didn’t feel like dealing with Larry, or else I might’ve asked him. Plus, I needed some of Aaron’s humor. He delivered, that’s for sure. He sat me on his lap as we drove around the grocery store in a motorized cart. Did I feel stupid? Yes. Did I laugh until my side hurt? Most definitely.
    Aaron left and I thought for sure I’d fall right to sleep. Nope. The tears became my enemy. We went to war each and every night. So far it was TEARS:6 and ELLE:0. It was in those quiet moments when I lay in bed that I couldn’t stop the thoughts of J and how much I missed him. Fuck it, if I was a dumb bitch for loving his ass. I tried for weeks to hate him to no avail.
    The next week was more of the same. I went to the Center on Wednesday, and with Genesis and Angelica’s help, was able to pull off hot ham and cheese sandwiches. Mexican style Uno was a blast. There was only one additional rule, if you weren’t paying attention and it was your turn, anyone could yell PENALTY CARD and you had to draw a card as well as lose your turn. They were serious when they said I could yell penalty card, and hell if I wasn’t yelling at them by the end of the game. It added a whole new level to the game. Not only were you strategizing your own hand, you were watching everyone else to try and catch them off in space when their turn came. Again, I laughed until my side hurt.
    I wasn’t delusional enough to think that I would fall right into a blissful sleep when I got home, but I thought this might be the night I at least didn’t cry—and cue the Family Feud giant, red X. ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
    I didn’t know how to make it stop. During the day I was fine, even with Chris and me still not speaking. I hung out with people, and started driving myself around. I even cleaned the house, well, sort of, meaning I did a few dishes and vacuumed for five seconds before my side hurt. Eh, the carpet wasn’t that bad.
    When night time came around, I couldn’t seem to hold it together, though. My mind whipped back and forth between Chris, J, and the guilt I felt surrounding both of them. I played the happy face off during the day, but it seemed that when the sun went down, so did I. And instead of getting better, each night seemed to get worse. The tears were becoming uncontrollable. The harder I fought them, the harder they fell, as if saying I’ll show you who’s boss . I was no longer the boss, my emotions were. My head ruled the day, and my heart ruled the night. Fucking heart.
    Friday I went to get my stitches out. I drove myself since Chris was going to go with me, but—yeah, you know, she didn’t, so I went alone. The skin had closed up and the doctor told me to keep putting ointment on it and covering it as long as it was tender. I asked him if I could get it wet, to which he replied affirmatively. Thank God! I’d been taking some janky ass baths since Chris wasn’t there to help.
    We were almost done with paperwork, when the doctor turned to me with a serious face. “Are you sure you don’t remember anything about that night? It’s been a

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