Whiskey Dreams (Rebel Walking #7)

Free Whiskey Dreams (Rebel Walking #7) by Hilary Storm

Book: Whiskey Dreams (Rebel Walking #7) by Hilary Storm Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hilary Storm
knew they had.
    “Well we’d better get over to Rosie’s and get our names in before all the spots have been taken.  He turns away from me and runs his hand through his hair before he puts on a cowboy hat.  I watch his back flex and move as he does, then I slowly move lower and find his nice tight ass.  This guy just screams sex to me and I can’t stand that I constantly fight this pull to him.
    “Can we just pretend tonight?”  My words surprise even me.  He turns around with a confused look and I bow my head hoping he doesn’t tell me no.  I shouldn’t be doing this to him.  Luke is his friend. 
    I hear his boots across the floor as he walks toward me and I close my eyes not wanting to see him look frustrated.  The warm feel of his fingers below my chin as he raises my head to meet his eyes jolts straight through my body.  He looks sad and I quickly regret saying anything.  Things will just be awkward from here on out.
    “I can’t pretend, but I can be real with you.  If you have to pretend to make it work, then I’d be happy to give you the night.” 
    “I want us to pretend we’re not off limits.  I want us to pretend that you’re not friends with the man that I’m still healing from.  I want to pretend I’m not dying inside from the hurt I feel.  I want us to act like we have forever to look forward to and time isn’t limited.”  He looks at me with even more sadness as I try to get my words out without tears.  I fail tremendously as he wipes both of my eyes with his thumbs and pulls me toward him.  He guides my face to his and kisses both of my cheeks slowly before he rests his forehead on mine. 
    “I wish like hell I had met you years ago.”  We both remain silent as time passes.  His hands slide down my arms so slowly, then back up.  The surge of feeling he’s sending through my body takes over and I just can’t hold back another second. 
    I put my arms around his neck and stand on my tip toes to kiss him.  He slips his hat off and tosses it behind me somewhere, then lets me explore him a few minutes before he finally pulls me closer and begins to move with me.  Our kisses are strong and sensual and his grip on my ass makes it easy for me to lift my legs around his waist.  He turns us around until my back is against the wall and places on arm against the wall beside me while his other hand begins to move slowly down my leg. 
    I continue kissing him and let his touch encourage me to take him even more passionately.  I crave this.  His touch is so gentle and just like everything I’ve always wanted to have in the past.
    I grasp for his shirt, pulling it from under my legs.  He lifts it off as I rest against the wall and watch him move.  Our bodies are still together as my legs squeeze tighter around his waist.  He smiles at me and I don’t have it in me to smile back.  This is so wrong, but it feels so fucking good.  I just watch the same hungry look flash across his face that I can feel inside. 
    “You’re damn sexy, Kimber.”  His eyes never leave mine as he moves closer, putting his hand against the wall next to my face again.  I take this opportunity to touch him.  I let my hands slide over his arms and around his back as he moves toward me, letting our lips connect again.  He’s agonizingly slow as he touches me with his tongue across my lips.  His lips finally kiss mine for just a brief second before he begins to move across my cheek, then slowly down my neck.  My nerves come alive as he moves across my skin. 
    I feel his hips move forward with a thrust, causing my back to slide up the wall and I release a moan in his ear.  He responds with a very sexy exhale and I try not to let my mind imagine what he’ll sound like if we do have sex.
    My dress has lifted and the fact that I’m not wearing any underwear just became obvious because he has moved his hand over my ass.  I slip just slightly as he moves his other hand to my ass as well. 

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