Whiskey Dreams (Rebel Walking #7)

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Book: Whiskey Dreams (Rebel Walking #7) by Hilary Storm Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hilary Storm
He’s working to adjust his hips and all I can feel is his massive erection against my clit. 
    “Shit.  Kimber.  I need to know where you’re at.”  I run my fingers up his neck and through his hair as I process where I am at exactly.
    I’m in the arms of a man that I’ve been drawn to since the very second he walked into my life.  I’m not thinking about anything except him and how he feels against me. 
    “I’m here, Aiden,” I whisper in his ear and make sure I say his name so he knows it’s him that I’m kissing and it’s him that I’m about to do so much more with, if he’ll have me.
    The feel of his scruff slides across the right side of my face as he moves for my lips again.  The thrust of his hips moves us both again and I slide my hands lower, trying to get his jeans off.
    His grip tightens and he starts to walk with me around his waist.  I continue kissing him and let my hands become familiar with his gorgeous body.  His shoulders are very wide and muscular and it’s sexy to me that he’s letting me make all the moves and basically asking before he moves us any further.  It’s a respect that I’m growing to love. 
    I can feel him kicking off his boots as he gets near the door to the master bedroom that I’ve been staying in.  He smiles as he almost trips, getting the last one off and I just hold on and kiss his face while he struggles.  He smells so good.  His cologne is enough to make a girl want to wrap themselves around him, let alone his looks and great personality.
    He stops when he’s next to the bed and we continue to kiss and consume each other.  I wonder if he’s afraid to take it to the next level, because I truly don’t think there’s any going back from here.
    “I’m about to make love to you Kimber.  I’m about to show you how I do my best dancing, but I have to warn you.  This is a slow dance.  This is a long dance.  And there’ll be times the rhythm will change before I bring you home for the final few moves.”  I listen to his warnings and look forward to the dance more in this moment than I have in any since I met him.
    “Aiden, please.  Yes.”  I don’t have any other words to describe what I’m feeling.  Yes.  Is the main word that keeps crossing through my mind with every new touch he gives me. 
    He slowly lowers me to my own feet, then takes my hand, twirling me around so that my back is to him.  My dress shifts and covers part of my ass again. 
    He stands against me.  My back is against his chest and his erection is practically bursting through his jeans.  I can feel the length of him across one entire ass cheek, if not further.  His arms slide over the front of my body for the first time.  He begins kissing my neck and I rotate my head to give him better access. 
    He doesn’t stop at my chest at first, he seems to really love my ass.  His grip on my hips is firm and he has to be imagining what we’ll be like together like I am, because I can hear his breathing quicken.  “You’re gonna make this hard on me.”  His deep grumble forces my exhale and I can’t hold back any longer.  I want to feel more of him, so I slide one hand behind me and grip him through his jeans.  I let my hand move over the full length and I lose all thought as I swear this is not going to fit.
    “Oh shit.”
    “I’ll be gentle.  I won't give you anything you’re not asking for.”  I’m not even a virgin.  In fact, I’ve had my share of partners, but this is going to be insane.  Luke was big, but this is another level of girth and length.  I can’t wait.
    He steps back away from me and I feel my zipper begin to slip down my lower back, followed by a light trail of kisses.  The feel of his touch on my skin is addicting and I’m going to love this if he continues to take his time.  He stands against me again and slides both his hands down my shoulders, taking my dress down with it.  The low back on this dress left me without a bra, so

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