Safe Hex With a Vampire
    She knew he wouldn’t want her pity, or to
have things left this way. “I’m having trouble figuring out how
someone who was such a mama’s boy that he braided his mother’s hair
could have turned into such a misogynist pig.” Her statement was
made in the most condescending tone she could manage.
    He gave her a brilliant smile. “You know
just what to say to make me feel better.”
    “Please think about what I said, Aiden.”
    “Will you keep me here until I agree?” he
    She shook her head. “I just want to make
sure you’re fully recovered before you leave and I really would
like to ask you some questions.” She locked the door to the cell
and turned toward him. She wanted to apologize but she wasn’t sure
there was a good way to apologize for keeping him prisoner so she
just left.

    Claudia stepped away from me and scowled.
“So, you’re already imagining me pregnant with your child.”
    “ No, I’m imagining the process of getting
you pregnant,” I admitted with no shame, “In fact that thought
consumes most of my time.”
    Excerpt from Roman Draksel’s blog
    Tempest sent out a silent prayer that this
would be their lucky day. It was mid afternoon. Most of the
attacks had occurred during the day but there were a few scattered
attacks that had happened at night. As always, when hunting she
looked the part of a carefree college student walking alone. She
appeared distracted, wearing ear buds to make it look like she was
listening to music. She had chosen the black wig to fit the victim
profile even better. It wasn’t easy to hide her long blonde hair
under the wig, so she’d added a hat.
    Suddenly, Tempest sensed the predator
approaching. It was impossible to miss the waves of aggression in
the air. Hatred and lust blended together. She wasn’t a strong
empath like Ivy, but she easily sensed this monster. She couldn’t
believe that she had mistaken Aiden for this man. Of course, she
had a stronger advantage today.
    That’s him! Ivy’s voice spoke
directly into her mind. I can see the images of what he wants to
do and what he has done.
    Now, all she had to do was lead him into the
trap. She walked into the alley. Many of these alleys were
shortcuts to main streets. It was easy to get distracted and walk
into the wrong one. It was hard to tell that there wasn’t a small
side street until you neared the end.
    She heard his footsteps behind her. He made
no attempt to be quiet. She removed the ear buds from her ears and
looked around in feigned confusion.
    “This sure ain’t your lucky day, bitch.”
That loud statement held so much venom that it would have
frightened most.
    Tempest turned toward her prey and smiled.
The fool still believed that he was the hunter. As if to prove that
evil was easy to hide, the man was truly beautiful. Looking at him
she could understand why she had assumed Aiden was the man they
were seeking. This man stood nearly as tall as Aiden. He obviously
spent a great deal of time working out but he was not as muscular.
Nor was he as masculine. He had an almost feminine beauty that was
only marred by the sinister curl of his full lips. His hair was
completely covered with a stocking cap, and sunglasses masked his
    “Funny,” she said sweetly, “I’m feeling
pretty lucky right now.”
    He advanced on her slowly and waves of
hatred surrounded her. The hand that had been behind his back came
out with a vicious looking knife in it. It made her wonder how
someone managed to conceal a knife that big. It’s not like the guy
was wearing baggy clothes or a bulky jacket. He had on
low rise skinny jeans and a black hoodie.
    “If you make one sound, I will cut you so
bad that you’ll wish you were dead.” His threat sounded so calm and
rational that it seemed completely out of place. It sounded as
though he was merely making pleasant conversation. “If you’re a
good little bitch, I’ll let you walk out of here unharmed.” Then

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