The Flyboy's Temptation

Free The Flyboy's Temptation by Kimberly Van Meter

Book: The Flyboy's Temptation by Kimberly Van Meter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Van Meter
those fragrant lips.
    He gripped her ass with both hands as she ground herself against his face. His muffled moans filled the room as she gasped, crying out as he toyed with the little pleasure nub as surely as she’d played with him.
    J.T. wanted her to shatter beneath his tongue, wanted to lap up her juices as she shuddered and quaked to her completion, but Hope, the little she-devil, had other plans.
    Right before she came, she lifted herself off, crying, “Not yet!” and shimmied down to sink down on his cock, taking every inch with a satisfied groan that he echoed.
    Was this heaven? Hope riding his cock as though there were no tomorrow?
    God, yes.
    The view was spectacular, better than any erotic dream he’d ever had.
    Hell, better than any late-night porn.
    Hope, in the throes of passion, was better than anything he could’ve imagined.
    And it was all he needed to blast off like a rocket.
    â€œHoly f—!” The words were choked off by the intense pleasure rolling through him, crashing like buildings under demo until there was nothing left of his ability to think but ash and rubble.
    Hope found her release and collapsed on top of him, her weight a wonderful pressure on his chest as she rasped deep gasping breaths, his cock still buried in her hot, pulsating core.
    With the last bit of strength he had, he gave her one final push, and she shuddered again as her entire body tensed and she came again.
    â€œGood God,” she said weakly. “I’ll never get enough of that.”
    She spoke the simple truth for them both.
    Even if it was the worst thing to do...even if there was absolutely no future in their hooking up, they both knew that they’d bang each other senseless for as long as it was possible.
    After that?
    Hell, who knew.
    They had to survive the next forty-eight hours first.
    * * *
    H OPE EYED THE rusty older-model truck and then looked back at J.T.
    â€œAre you sure?” she asked in a low voice so as not to offend the driver Juan had managed to find. “It doesn’t”
    â€œBeggars can’t be choosers,” J.T. reminded her in an equally private tone as he helped her into the back. They settled onto the faded pillows and blankets, and J.T. smiled at Juan. “Let’s just get to the airfield and then we’ll figure out the next step.”
    Hope nodded and handed Juan a hefty tip for his services. The boy’s face split into a happy grin and he ran off, clutching the money.
    â€œYou know that was probably the equivalent of his entire month’s wage,” J.T. said as the truck lumbered onto the highway. “His family will eat good tonight.”
    â€œIt’s easy to forget how blessed we are when we’re locked away in our ivory towers,” Hope murmured, thinking of the contents of her pack and how they could level a village like this within days. Innocent lives were at stake. She glanced at J.T., struck by how easily he took everything in stride, even the crappiest situation, and wished she could be like that.
    J.T. had procured some sunglasses and was enjoying the wind in his hair. Of course, he looked incredibly sexy, instantly reminding her of what they’d done to each other all night.
    How was it that this man—her complete opposite—had the power to take her breath away?
    She clutched her pack a little more tightly, wondering what J.T. would think of her if he knew what exactly she was transporting.
    Would he hate her?
    If she weren’t such a coward, she’d just tell him and let the chips fall where they may, but there was no way in hell she was going to do that.
    Not only because it was a huge security risk, but because she feared his reaction.
    It was stupid, but she couldn’t bear the thought of J.T. looking at her with disgust.
    Would it matter that she’d never anticipated that her research would be perverted from its original purpose in this way?
    Of course not. There

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