The Flyboy's Temptation

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Book: The Flyboy's Temptation by Kimberly Van Meter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Van Meter
traipsing around with wads of cash in this neighborhood.
    â€œIt’s just across the street. I’ll be fine.”
    â€œLook around, Hope. This isn’t exactly Middle America. Don’t be dumb. Dumb pretty ladies get snatched off the street and sold into slavery and it’s not a Pretty Woman type story.”
    Hope paled and quickly nodded. “Okay, maybe you’re right. Except about the dumb part.”
    â€œYou’re right—you’re not dumb,” he corrected himself. “But you’re damn stubborn and in the wrong situations that can be just as dangerous.”
    â€œYou’ve made your point,” Hope said, glowering. “Can we just go get some cash?”
    He pocketed the phone and they hustled across the street to the small bank. Within a relatively short time, Hope had managed to procure a sizable amount of cash, which she promptly stuffed in her pack, out of sight, but J.T. was a bit leery of having all the cash in one spot. All it would take was an industrious thief to swipe her pack and all of their resources would disappear.
    Still, he knew it was pointless to try to convince her otherwise, particularly when she was so paranoid about that damn pack, so he didn’t waste his breath.
    Outside the bank, J.T. called Teagan.
    â€œJ.T.?” Teagan answered. When J.T. confirmed it was him, Teagan’s relief was evident in his tone. “Man, I was starting to sweat.”
    â€œWe lucked out and managed to find a store where I could buy a phone. I called you as soon as I could. Did you find us a plane?”
    â€œYeah, it took some string pulling, but I found a plane you can charter. It’ll cost you, but you said your client has enough green?”
    â€œYeah,” J.T. answered. “She says her company will pay whatever it takes to get her to the facility.”
    â€œHave you found out exactly what you’re transporting?” The worry in Teagan’s voice mirrored J.T.’s own growing anxiety about Hope’s package. “I mean, you know something feels off about this. Why the hell were you getting shot at?”
    He couldn’t answer his brother, because he still didn’t know. And he certainly couldn’t go into detail about the situation with Hope standing right there listening to his every word.
    â€œWho’s my contact?” J.T. asked, changing the subject.
    Teagan took the hint. “Your contact is Alejandro Ruiz. You’ll find him at a private hangar at Comitán. He’s agreed to take you to South America.”
    â€œGood work. Thanks, bro. I owe you one.”
    â€œDon’t worry about that. Just come home alive. I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”
    â€œYou and me both,” he agreed in a low tone. “I’ll be in touch.”
    He hung up and pocketed the phone. “We’re good to go. Our contact is Alejandro Ruiz and he’s waiting for us at Comitán.”
    Relief spread across Hope’s features. “Thank God.” Impulsively, she lifted on her toes and brushed a kiss across J.T.’s lips. The sudden action startled them both and she immediately started apologizing. “I’m so sorry. That was inappropriate. I was just so happy...”
    He knew the smart thing was to agree with her, but he liked kissing her and he liked that her first impulse was to kiss him.
    J.T. ignored the voice of reason in his head and reached for her. “If you’re going to do it, might as well make it worth your while, right?” And then he sealed his mouth to hers, drinking in the feel of her soft lips pressed against his, the taste of her tongue in his mouth. When he finally released her, she looked thoroughly well kissed, and it was a good look on her. Sexy as hell. But then, Hope didn’t need any help in that department. He grasped her hand, saying, “Let’s go. Time’s wasting,” before she regained her sense and started blathering on

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