Beautiful Monster

Free Beautiful Monster by Kate McCaffrey

Book: Beautiful Monster by Kate McCaffrey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate McCaffrey
Tags: Juvenile Fiction/General
introduced as Dr Edwards, they thought he was trying to make himself seem important. What did Mr Wilson say—“So you’re a doctor of trucks, eh? Like a mechanic?’”
    â€˜Time for the cake?’ Annelise says.
    Liam nods and lights the candles, all thirteen, and together they sing to Brodie. Tess tries to prevent her voice cracking on the words ‘Dear Brodie’.
    â€˜Blow out the candles, Tess.’ Annelise’s voice has thickened.
    â€˜No.’ Tess looks at them both. ‘We should all do it.’
    They lean in and blow.
    Annelise grabs hold of Tess’s arm. ‘Thank you, Tess, this was a wonderful idea. A much nicer way to think of Brodie today.’
    Tess nods and holds her mum tightly.
    â€˜Tess, you feel thin.’ Annelise pulls back. ‘Are you losing weight?’
    â€˜No Mum, I’m not.’ Tess shakes her head.

Chapter 7
    Over the next few weeks Tess avoids Ned. He just isn’t making her happy. In fact, when she thinks about him, it makes her hurt more. Miss McLoughlin allows her the last period to do her in-class essay, and Tess finds herself able to concentrate, now she’s blocked Ned from her thoughts. When she finishes the paper, she’s convinced she’s done well.
    â€˜Thanks again,’ she says, handing the paper over.
    â€˜No problem,’ Miss McLoughlin says. ‘If you ever need anyone to talk to, you know you can always come to me.’
    Tess nods gratefully, but lately, since Brodie’s birthday, things have been going well. Her mum has been stable—so stable, in fact, she’s almost like her old self. And her dad has been able to pick up more hours at the clinic. It’s been a relief for everyone.
    Tess runs down to the tennis courts. Last week, in a moment of rebellion—she was so sick of feeling controlled by Ned and was desperate for some physical activity—she joined the club. Now she plays every opportunity she can. She swings her racquet as she goes. Her mum was right: tennis is a great game.
    Jordan opens the gate for her. ‘Hey Tess, we’re thinking of playing mixed doubles today.’
    â€˜Oh, really?’ She’s slightly out of breath. ‘I don’t know how.’
    â€˜It’s easy,’ he says, ‘we’ll be partners. Same game—using the whole court. You’ll find it simple.’
    She’s glad her cheeks are already pink from running, because she’s sure to be blushing. Jordan has been so sweet to her since she joined the team. She nods. ‘Okay, I hope I don’t let you down.’
    â€˜Match point,’ the umpire calls.
    It’s Tess’s serve. She glances at Jordan nervously. You’ll be fine, he mouths. She throws the ball high and hits it with all her strength. It spins down the court into the serve area and over Hannah’s racquet.
    â€˜Game, set, match Gray and Edwards.’
    â€˜Whoo hoo!’ Jordan shouts, picking up Tess and swinging her around. ‘I knew you’d do it. You’re a natural.’
    She laughs. ‘Thanks for the vote of confidence. You’re a great teacher.’
    â€˜Hey listen, a few of us are going out for some food. Wanna come?’ Jordan asks.
    She nods. ‘Yeah, that’d be great.’
    They cram into the small booth. Jordan’s leg is warm against hers. Everyone is talking about the game and the upcoming inter-school matches. Jordan thinks she should join his club on Saturdays and she nods, slowly chewing a chip. What would Ned say if he saw her now? He’d be furious. But she tries to blank out that thought: she feels so much happier when she doesn’t have him bombarding her with his negativity.
    â€˜I’ll walk you home,’ Jordan says as everyone else begins to leave.
    They walk along in silence, Tess swinging her tennis bag in her hand. Finally Jordan says, ‘I’m really glad you joined the team, Tess. I think you’re

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