Beautiful Monster

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Book: Beautiful Monster by Kate McCaffrey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate McCaffrey
Tags: Juvenile Fiction/General
place.’ She feels him relax.
    â€˜Promise,’ he whispers, ‘you’ll always be mine?’
    â€˜I promise.’
    There are no lights on at home when she walks up the path, which strikes her as odd because her dad is on morning shifts and her mum, well, she’s always at home. Since Brodie died, Mum struggles to leave the house, and won’t without a fair amount of coaxing from Dad. So Tess wonders where they could be as she opens the door. ‘Hello?’ she calls, although she knows the house is empty. Even stranger, there’s no note on the counter for her. So unlike her dad. She checks her phone: no missed calls. Panicking, she walks from room to room, flicking on lights, but the house appears as normal. Not a thing out of place, nothing missing—except her parents. The emptiness terrifies her. She is pulling her phone out of her pocket to ring—someone, she’s not sure who—when she hears footsteps running up the pathway.
    â€˜Tess, Tess.’ It’s Mrs Olsen from next door. ‘I’ve been waiting for you, dear. Everything is all right. Sit down. Let me explain.’
    Mrs Olsen is a round woman, kind and old, and she gathers Tess to her floral print bosom.
    â€˜Mum wasn’t too good today. Your dad had to take her in to see the doctor. He asked me to listen out for you—take you home, give you tea.’
    â€˜What about Mum?’ Tess asks, fearing the answer.
    â€˜She had a bit of a breakdown, love.’ Mrs Olsen squashes in next to Tess on the couch. ‘Something triggered her. Poor Annelise.’ She shakes her head. ‘But your dad was here. And he knew exactly what to do. She’s in safe hands with him.’
    â€˜Where are they?’ Tess asks.
    â€˜They’ll still be at the doctor’s. I think he’s getting her medication checked. It might need changing. Or upping. Your dad asked me if you could stay at my place until he returned. I’ve made a cottage pie—with beans.’ Mrs Olsen rises slowly and holds out her hand.
    Tess shakes her head. ‘Thanks, but I’d rather stay here. I’ve got homework to do. And if I get time I’ll cook them some dinner. So when they get home, if they’re hungry, they can eat.’
    â€˜Okay. You’re such a thoughtful girl,’ Mrs Olsen squeezes her again. ‘If you need anything, you give me a holler. And I’ll be around tomorrow to see your mum.’
    She stares into the pantry, wondering what she can make, trying to view the its contents with detachment, and finally pulls out random bottles and packets. She starts chopping onions, and the juice stings her eyes. The pain distracts her from the task. She feels tears run down her face but doesn’t pause to wipe them—she embraces the burning sensation.
    Mum’s finally cracked, Tess thinks. Tripped, gone over the edge, barmy, bonkers, loony, doolally. She is scared at what her mother’s become.
    She picks up her mobile. No missed calls—but of course she would have heard it. Why hasn’t her dad called? She scrolls through her phone book and stops on Jordan’s number. It would be great to call him, have him come over, tell him about Brodie and Mum, have someone, anyone, just listen to her. But if he knew all that, he might not like her anymore. She shakes her head. She needs Ned.
    â€˜She’s done it, Ned.’
    â€˜I know. It was inevitable,’ he says. He doesn’t seem that concerned.
    â€˜But you realise what this means?’
    â€˜She’s tripped the light fantastic,’ Ned says. ‘Maybe your dad is having her committed as we speak.’
    â€˜Ned!’ Tess shouts, frightened. ‘Don’t say that.’
    â€˜You were thinking it,’ he sneers. ‘You know you were. And would it really be that bad, Tess? At least you wouldn’t have to pretend anymore.’
    â€˜Pretend what?’ She can’t hold back

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