
Free Stolen-Kindle1 by Merrill Gemus Page A

Book: Stolen-Kindle1 by Merrill Gemus Read Free Book Online
Authors: Merrill Gemus
Moira doing at Helena’s Bog? Along with goons? He did not like this one bit.
    “Thanks Arina. You’ve made my day.” He said as he rushed out of the room.

    November 4th
    1:14 AM
    A lly could not have thought of things getting any worst. Truly, this had to be the ultimate low point. Here she was, in the middle of the woods, being dragged by two goons.  She could only hope they were not yanking her and her friends’ towards their death.
    The larger one, who was 8 feet tall, maintained a steady grip on Ally’s shoulders as he guided her across the muddy grass. They were ugly beings: Gray, elephant-skinned monsters that were strong and massively built. She didn’t know the proper name of their kind, and did not care to learn it one bit.
    The other one, smaller at 7 feet, held both Pam and Trish’s elbows firmly, as they, too, were dragged on. Geez! Where were they going? Why had they had to leave Moira’s estate? Was she really that spooked by Gabriel? Could it be possible to escape to wherever they were heading? Instantly, Ally dismissed that notion. Fleeing was out of the question; she did not have the strength. She barely was able to keep up with the goon. Yet, perhaps her friends could find a way…
    As they reached a clearing, the goon released and pushed her away.  Ally whirled around to face a smiling Moira. That cold smile sent chills up Ally’s spine. More than anything, she hated seeing that grin on her face. It could only mean that her plans were going exactly as she intended. And, if things were going her as she intended, that was really, really bad news for Ally.
    Moira looked radiant. She knew this was the safest place to be. Anticipating the weather, she changed back into her hiking boots, a black hoodie and tight black jeans. A thick fog was rapidly engulfing the clearing while a light drizzle began to fall, dampening Pam, Trish and Ally’s spirits. She shrugged at the thought of their discomfort. Soon it will be all over and really, they could suck it up in the meantime. Today was all that mattered to her. It was going to be her big day, and she was now sure that nothing and no one was going to sabotage it.
    “We will be staying here.” She announced sweetly, still smiling.
    Pam looked around, bewildered. “W-what?! We’re staying here ? Why? Why did we have to leave our cells?” Pam asked, shivering almost uncontrollably.
    Despite giving each of the girls a warm sweater, gloves and scarves, Pam and Trish’s teeth chattered. The bone-chilling November’s wind descended upon them, causing them to tremble and whimper.
    Moira tilted her head at Pam. “Aw, were you getting comfortable in your little cells?” She asked mockingly.
    Pam shrugged. “It was warmer.”
    Moira tossed her curls back and continued to smile. Surprisingly, it, too, was a bit warmer this time. “I sensed an intruder at home, in the dungeon, and I’m not going to risk staying put. Therefore, I decided that we should all temporarily relocate.” She responded casually.
    “We’ll freeze if we’re exposed any longer to the elements.” Trish pointed out.
    “Yeah, Trish and I are humans, you know.” Pam added.
    “As if I would forget. Obviously, I cannot have you perish on my watch that is why you won’t be staying outdoors.” She motioned, to the right, at an abandoned cottage that was heavily camouflage with overgrown grass. “You will be tied up in there and after tomorrow, I will set you free. The finish line is within my reach, ladies. This will all be over soon.”
    Pam sighed. At least this horror show will soon end. She wanted to go home. She needed to get back to reality; her reality! Where no vampires were rampant and on the loose! God, she ached to put some normalcy back into her life.
    She turned slightly to Ally who remained silent throughout this conversation. Pam caught her breath. Her friend was so pale and looked

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