
Free Stolen-Kindle1 by Merrill Gemus

Book: Stolen-Kindle1 by Merrill Gemus Read Free Book Online
Authors: Merrill Gemus
never spoken back to him. “I must step out for a bit, Arina. I’ll be back shortly.”
    “When?  As an executive, you have responsibilities, Mr. Voss.”
    Ben was amused and he knew she was right, but to hell with it all. He wasted too much time already. With less than a day left, he needed to find Ally, get their union officiated, and annul his marriage with Moira.
    “These documents can wait or miss their deadlines, Arina. I must find… Moira.”
    At her name, Arina lightened up. It was completely understandable for Benedict to want to sneak out early from work to be with his fiancée.
    Arina beamed a bright smile. “You, two, will be the most perfect couple on our realm. Is everything ready for tomorrow?”
    “Um, you know, Moira, she probably has everything planned to the hilt.”
    “Everyone’s talking about the ceremony, you know? I’m looking forward to it.”
    “As am I.” He lied.
    Benedict’s suspicions over the Verdons implications with the amount of paperwork he was receiving were confirmed. Arina, beyond any shadow of doubt, would have prevented him from leaving his office for any excuse. She was only lenient because she believed he was trying to find Moira.
    He noticed that her stance visibly relax at her name. Did Arina know about Ally? Was she aware that he bonded with another and was hoping to annul his wedding? Everything was getting overly complex now. He no longer knew whom to trust. Was Gabriel right? Were the Verdons involved in this sordid mess? If they were, God helped them all.
    At the spur of the moment, he wondered where exactly Moira was. He had tried getting in contact with her for almost three days now. Yet, he was to wed with her tomorrow? Something was not adding up. He wondered if Arina would know anything about her whereabouts.
    “Arina, I have been trying really hard to get in contact with Moira. Do you happen to know where she is?”
    Arina looked away. “It’s a secret, Mr. Voss. She fears you might see her dress or you might overhear some of the surprises she has planned for the wedding. She really wants her day to be special.”
    Benedict’s eyes narrowed, with one brow raised. He knew Moira was not much into surprises. Also, even if it were true, he did not plan staying with her for long. He just wanted some information about her father.
    “Ah, I see,” Benedict smiled softly at his assistant. “The problem is that I have an heirloom to give to her. I want Moira to wear a pearl necklace that has been passed down to each new wife who is to become a Voss.”
    “R-really?” She breathed, mesmerized by romantic ideals.
    “Yes. I very much hope to see it around her neck tomorrow. It would mean a lot to me.”
    Arina considered Benedict’s words. It was all so romantic and lovely. The tale of two household joined by love and devotion. An heirloom signifying an immortal bond between husband and wife. It was so perfect, so wonderful, such a grand fairy tale!
    Arina smiled at Benedict with sparkly green eyes. She was not going to prevent Moira from getting the necklace. She was delighted that she would be part of the wedding, helping both Houses to perfect their day.
    “Ms. Verdon should be heading to Helena’s Bog.”
    “Helena’s Bog? Wait, why?”
    “She has a cottage there. I overheard her telling Mr. Verdon that she was going to the bog to settle a few matters before her big day.”
    “She was here?! When?”
    “Oh, well, she wasn’t here per say, but I heard her message on Mr. Verdon’s voicemail.”
    Benedict nodded slowly. “Anything else?”
    Arina frowned. “Well, to be honest with you, Mr. Voss, I’m not sure why she decided to spend her last days at the bog. It’s isolated, and the cottage is completely run down. Plus,” she whispered, “She’s bringing goons with her.”
    Benedict went rigid with that announcement. What the hell was

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