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Book: Stolen-Kindle1 by Merrill Gemus Read Free Book Online
Authors: Merrill Gemus
so weak. Leaning heavily on the goon who dragged her, Pam noticed that she was barely able to stand. Her exhausted and practically crippled state angered Pam. That bastard did this to her. The asshole, Benedict, transformed her into this monster and freaking abandoned her. Where the hell was he? She gave up her life for him, and now she could never come back home with them. This, whatever it was, was her home. God! It was so unfair.
    If Benedict loved Ally, as she constantly claimed, then why had he not checked Moira’s estate? This point absolutely baffled Pam. He should have already been here. He should have saved her by now before Moira even had the chance to bring them here.
    What would become of Ally after this whole sordid mess? She was a vampire now. She could never be just a normal human girl, hanging out with her friends. No more shopping trips, no more cheesy romantic movies to giggle at… Geez, no more late night chats with a bucket of ice cream. Their happy days as the three musketeers were outnumbered. Hell, Pam was already getting uncomfortable with Ally. She caught Ally staring at her numerous times. Pam knew that the vamp inside of Ally was unceasingly demanding her to devour her friends. Ally needed blood. When Pam returned her gaze, Ally would hastily turn away, blatantly, pushing her thoughts aside.
    Gosh, this was a mess! Pam blew a few golden strands from her face and caught a glimpse of something moving a dozen of yards away.  If she did not know any better, she could have sworn that a man, camouflaged by the dense foliage of the woods, was staring at their group. She immediately closed her eyes. Maybe she was imagining things. She re-opened them and saw nothing. Although, she knew that she now nothing was visible, she definitely still felt a presence. Damn it, someone was there, over by those bushes. She hoped fervently that it would not be any more vampires. She swore that if she ever lived to tell about this, she would never scoff at another fairy tale for the rest of her life.

    Gabe took notice of the three girls, the two goons, and a smiling Moira. They were all standing in the clearing and Moira seem to be indicating where they would be holed up. Viewing the size of the goons, Gabe mentally kicked himself. Shit, he should have brought some backup. There was no way he could take on Moira and the goons at the same time. He would have to figure out a way to sneak the girls out.
    As he contemplated how to go about freeing the girls, his heart skipped a beat. The golden-haired girl stared directly at him. Gabriel inhaled sharply. What should he do? Every instinct in his body wanted to run up and declare his love for her; to protect her; to kiss and hold her. Fool! He chastised. He reminded himself that goons were above their laws. They could easily be ordered to snap him in two and Moira, their commander, would go scot-free. She would never be tried even if there were proof of her hiring them. Goons were lawless men and were to be avoided at all cost.
    Of course, it was of no surprise to Gabriel that the Verdons were capable of hiring them. How in god’s name did they find them? They were banished for their realm and lands thousands of years ago! How were the Verdons even able to pay them as mercenaries? The vampire’s currency would be meaningless to them, since they could not purchase anything from their kind. Estates, lands were also of little value to Goons. They were nomadic, and did not settle in one place. So, why were they helping Moira?
    Gabriel retreated deeper into the woods, so he would go unnoticed to the girl. He hoped she would keep quiet or at the very least believe she imagined what she saw. Gabriel could not afford alerting Moira and her goons before he was ready for them. He wished to keep the element of surprise on his side.
    Knowing that he was no longer visible, Gabriel sighed. Fate was sure as hell not making things easy for him. He knew

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