Virgin Prisoner: Bred to the Beast (Werewolf Breeding Erotica) (Bred to the Beast: The Virgin Trilogy)

Free Virgin Prisoner: Bred to the Beast (Werewolf Breeding Erotica) (Bred to the Beast: The Virgin Trilogy) by Fannie Tucker

Book: Virgin Prisoner: Bred to the Beast (Werewolf Breeding Erotica) (Bred to the Beast: The Virgin Trilogy) by Fannie Tucker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fannie Tucker
Virgin Prisoner: Bred to the Beast
    By Fannie Tucker
    Copyright 2012 Fannie Tucker
    Kindle Edition
    Author's Note: This story is the third and final part of a trilogy spanning multiple generations, a tale of lust, betrayal, and revenge. 
    Although the events in this story occur before those of either Virgin Sacrifice: Bred by the Beast or its prequel, Virgin Outcast, I believe you will enjoy these stories most if you read them in the following order:
    Virgin Sacrifice first, which you can find on Amazon here .  
    Then Virgin Outcast, which you can purchase here . 
    The story below, Virgin Prisoner, should be read last.
    Rela Dahr stepped back from the bubbling pot of greenish liquid that she'd labored to create, then tried not to fidget as Magdha examined her concoctino.  If the Wise Woman found this attempt lacking, Rela would be forced to start over, and that meant another three or four hours bent over the bench with mortar and pestle.
    Her silk dress was already rumpled and stained; she hadn't expected such a difficult lesson today , and her hands had shaken so much that she spilled the niproot down the front of her dress.  The bright yellow powder had even gotten on her petticoat, somehow.  Magdha had scolded her for wasting her precious herbs, but Rela was more concerned about getting back to her apartments early enough to change into another dress.
    King Volgar had summoned all the nobles in the city to Castle Darkmoon tonight f or a feast in honor of his son, Prince Malgar.  As the daughter of an important Baron, Rela more than passing familiarity with the royal family, but she found Malgar as domineering and brutish as his father.  Nevertheless, they were royalty, and for the sake of her father's allegiance to the throne, custom demanded that she treat them with utmost respect.  Now she worried she might be late to the feast, or worse yet, arrive in a dress stained with herbs and powders.
    The stoop-backed crone scrutinized the potion with hands planted on her ample hips.  After taking a deep sniff, she frowned for a moment, then turned her sharp black eyes to Rela.  The younger woman let out a relieved sigh when Magdha nodded.  "A bit heavy on the niproot, but it would cure a fever, even if it did leave the patient with a nasty aftertaste."
    Rela smiled , relieved that she would have time to clean up and change into another dress.  "Thank you, Wise Woman!"
    Magdha waved a dismissive hand , and the slim bone bracelets on her wrists clattered.  "If I've told you once... call me Magdha, child.  If you were an apprentice, the title would be fine, but a woman of your station..."  She pursed her lips and shook her head.  "Most noblewomen think the Craft - or any real vocation - beneath themselves; I admit that you've surprised me with your willingness to learn."
    Rela beamed at the compliment , pleased at how far she had come.  She had first visited the Wise Woman a year before seeking an elixir for persistent headaches, and from the moment she entered the cluttered little shop in the Lower Quarter, she'd been fascinated by the wild assortment of jars and pots, scrolls, bones, candles, and skulls of creatures too exotic to imagine.
    Magdha had scowled at her that day, expecting another haughty noblewoman with her nose in the air, but Rela was no castle maiden.  Her father's estates were on farmland far from the city, near the foot of the Black Mountains.  Despite his wealth, Baron Dahr had raised is daughter to appreciate hard-working commoners.  "Respect costs less than armies, and it wins greater loyalty," the Baron had told her once.
    So despite Magdha's scowl, she'd asked a few quiet but respectful questions while the crone cooked up the elixir, and even though Magdha had grunted instead of answering, she'd insisted that Rela return the next day for a second dose.  That day, she answered those questions and a few more besides.  Something less formal than an apprenticeship was

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