Virgin Prisoner: Bred to the Beast (Werewolf Breeding Erotica) (Bred to the Beast: The Virgin Trilogy)

Free Virgin Prisoner: Bred to the Beast (Werewolf Breeding Erotica) (Bred to the Beast: The Virgin Trilogy) by Fannie Tucker Page B

Book: Virgin Prisoner: Bred to the Beast (Werewolf Breeding Erotica) (Bred to the Beast: The Virgin Trilogy) by Fannie Tucker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fannie Tucker
certainly wouldn't approve, unless he married Rela and became a nobleman.
    Deep in thought, s he didn't see someone approaching until a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist.  The Lower Quarter was home to many unsavory types, and she let out an alarmed cry as a rough voice hissed, "Your virtue or your life, pretty!"
    She struggled to get away, but the voice began to laugh, a clear, open sound that she recognized.  She turned and saw Collen grinning down at her.  "Collen!  You scared me half to death!  What are you doing down here?"
    "Making sure you don't get your throat cut for a few coppers," Collen said , relaxing his grip, but not quite letting go.  "How are the lessons going?  Can you turn me into a toad yet?"
    "Not yet," she said , answering the now-familiar question for the hundredth time as she turned in his arms to face him.  The warmth of his body radiated from beneath his cloak, and she snuggled against him until her breasts pressed against his chest.  He smelled so good, a clean, masculine scent that she couldn't quite pin down.
    Collen gave a theatrical sigh.  "Alas, I was hoping if I was a toad, I could convince a beautiful noblewoman that kissing me would turn me into a prince."
    Rela shook her head.  "Kissing you only turns you into a slightly hornier man," she said.  Rela felt a burst of love for Collen, who took her pursuit of herblore in stride. 
    Most nobles would be horrified to know that she was learning the Wise Woman's Craft.  She had held the truth back from Collen for weeks after she began training with Magdha, but he was too crafty to deceive for long.  When he noticed her furtiveness, he followed her to the Wise Woman's shop and confronted her. 
    When she finally admitted the truth about her lessons with the Wise Woman, Collen's eyes had actually widened in excitement.  He dropped to his knees.  "Will she teach you to make me a love potion?  I've been trying to get this beautiful noblewoman in the sack since I met her, but she won't yield!"
    Rela had laughed, so full of relief that she'd nearly let him take her to an inn, but her father had raised her to believe that a Lady must never surrender her virtue before marriage.  To do otherwise was seen as scandalous, even in Castle Darkmoon, where lust and intrigue ran deep among the young lords and ladies.
    Months later, Rela knew that Collen occasionally followed her into the Lower Quarter, staying out of sight, but watching to make sure she was safe.  It was comforting to know that he was there.
    Now she looked up into those green eyes and saw that he was dying to tell her something.  "What is it, Collen?" she asked.
    He grinned.  "I've done it, Rela.  I've sent a letter to your father.  I apologized for not presenting myself in person, but I asked for your hand in marriage."
    Rela's spirits soared, and she let out a very unladylike squeal and hugged Collen tight.  "I'm sure he'll say yes," Rela said.  "We can be wed within the year."
    Collen hugged her tight and whispered into her ear, "I can't wait, my sweet."  He sounded earnest, for once.
    "Nor can I," Rela murmured, savoring his embrace.
    "No," Collen told her.  "I literally cannot wait for a letter from your father in the country to make its slow way to the city on some farmer's cart.  I know an inn near here, let's..."
    Rela pushed him away suddenly, laughing.  "You're a fool, Collen!"  She set off down the street, running at top speed, heedless of the rough cobbles beneath her feet.
    "A fool for you, my Lady!" he called, and the chase was on.
    She scampered through the warrens of the Lower Quarter like a doe flushed from cover by a pack of wolves, dodging around pushcarts and barrels, sliding past vendors, and dodging a pair of oxen pulling a heavy wagon.
    Streets grew wider and houses finer as she left the Lower Quarter behind, climbing steadily toward the castle even as she tried to lose Collen in the buzzing chaos of a busy city.  Breathless, she

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