The Private Stable [Iron Spur Ranch 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Free The Private Stable [Iron Spur Ranch 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Stacey Espino

Book: The Private Stable [Iron Spur Ranch 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Stacey Espino Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacey Espino
Tags: Romance
so many choosing to starve themselves until he couldn’t distinguish them from the young men working the stables.
    “I have.” He tied a loose bandana around his neck in preparation for their trip. There hadn’t been any substantial rain in weeks, so the rough terrain between the ranch and the far grazing land would be dry and dusty. They’d have to transport two horses each, guiding them back so they could be shipped out before sundown. Of course, they’d first have the task of choosing, segregating, and then capturing each horse individually.
    Jesse and Trevor shared a private look. They probably thought he was holding out, trying to keep news of the girl to himself. Essentially he was, but they’d use any opportunity to drive a wider wedge between them. At twenty-six, Ethan shouldn’t be dealing with such an uncertain future. In the snap of his fingers, Damien could let him go, saying Ethan created too much conflict on the ranch. And there was no going home. He was sure some of the other men had sent in complaints in hopes of getting him fired. Luckily, the owner had been sympathetic so far, leaving Ethan to deal with the other hired hands on his own.
    “Where she at anyway?” asked Jesse. He tilted his Stetson to keep the early morning light out of his eyes. “It’s gonna be a scorcher. We should have set out already.”
    When Wyatt came out of the barn, both men split up, tending to their horses. His best friend had the power to fire workers who didn’t pull their weight, cheated Mr. Holt, or created dissention amongst the ranchers. “What’s the rush, James?” asked Wyatt.
    Jesse shrugged nonchalantly. “Just sayin’.” He earned his nickname for being a notorious brawler. He’d been kicked out of every bar in town more than once, earning him the reputation of an outlaw. Fortunately for him, just a mention of Holt’s name and even the local cops gave him leniency.
    “Ethan, the boss man gave Rachel a probationary period. Make sure you show her the ropes today. I don’t want to hear about any problems when you get back.”
    He saw Rachel peek out from the corner of the barn. Just seeing her made him smile involuntarily. The girl was adorable, making him feel like a young man in love, not a care in the world. The other men turned to follow his gaze. Once discovered, she stepped out into the daylight. Her hair was thick and lush, falling gracefully along her shoulders. She’d asked to use his comb in the morning, and he was tempted to brush out her hair himself.
    Women were a rarity on the ranch, and no cowboys dared to look at the boss’s sister, Isabella. Jesse and Trevor stared as if they hadn’t seen a woman in ten years.
    “I hear your interview went well,” he said.
    She nodded, keeping close to Wyatt as if she sought protection, but from what? Did she think he’d allow one of the other cowboys to lay a finger on her?
    “Remember, Damien wants the best for Mr. Carson,” Wyatt reminded him. He already knew there’d be hell to pay if he disappointed one of the boss’s best clients. Damien was inflexible and demanded the best of everything.
    Wyatt ushered Rachel forward, whispered something in her ear, and then left the four of them alone in the paddock.
    “Mornin’, ma’am,” said Trevor, sizing her up. He tilted his hat, a sly smirk on his face. “My name’s Trevor, and this here is Jesse.”
    Ethan put himself between them before leading her back to the barn and the mare he’d prepared for her. He knew what they were made of, and they’d ruin a sweet thing like Rachel.
    The mare was a mild-spirited horse, good for a woman with questionable experience in the saddle. He still wasn’t sure what her game was. Did Rachel have qualifications he just hadn’t picked up on yet, or was she completely clueless in regards to horsemanship? Ethan and Wyatt would be laughingstocks if Rachel was actually a greenhorn. They’d put in a good word for her, which affected their reputations as

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