Awakening (Earth Evolution Series Book 4)

Free Awakening (Earth Evolution Series Book 4) by KD Jones

Book: Awakening (Earth Evolution Series Book 4) by KD Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: KD Jones
different fathers. My father was a commander but when he died in battle, my mother went to another male who got her pregnant. My mother was young and had no one to help her with us; she suffered stages of dementia. This was before our medical advancements kicked in.
    “When I was ten years old, I came home from school to find my mother crying. My little sister was only six months old and she was wailing for help. My mom handed my sister to me and told me to take care of her. Then my mom walked out the door of our home. She never came back.” 
    “I’m so sorry, Tagar.”
    “I used to wonder what I had done to make her leave. I thought it was my fault.”
    She put her hand on his arm. “It wasn’t. The fault lies with her. She should never have abandoned her children, or she should have found someone to take them in.”
    “It took time for me to understand that.”
    “Who took you and your sister in?”
    “Several different families volunteered. They didn’t mind having me; I would be a warrior and would bring honor to a family. I had to fight them to take my sister in with me. She was such a little thing. You remind me of her.”
    She smiled. “What is her name?”
    Tagar’s face lit up. “Arisa.”
    “So you were able to keep the two of you together?”
    “Yes, I refused to leave her or let anyone take her from me. We used to look up at the stars and talk about distant planets and meeting new species. When I left to go on my first tour she made me promise to bring back rocks from the different planets I visited. I’ve been on tour several years now but in my quarters I have jars filled with rocks that I will give to my sister upon our return.”
    “What is she doing on your home world while you are away?”
    “She is training to be a mediko.”
    “You must be so proud of her.”
    “I am but I miss her terribly.”
    She turned to look at the stars and the moon. Earth felt like it wasn’t really her planet anymore. There was nothing down there for her, no one wondering what had happened to her. All these years she had fantasized that there were parents who cried over losing their daughter and maybe a brother or sister who missed her every day.
    The name Natalie meant nothing to her. It was just another name like Squirrel that had been given to her with no real meaning or purpose. She preferred the name that Quinn had given her, Lihali. Suddenly, she wanted to see Quinn.
    “Do you know where Quinn is? I would really like to see him.”
    “I can find out for you.” He tapped his communicator. “He’s in the gym. Do you want me to take you there?”
    “Yes, thank you, Tagar.”
    “It is my pleasure.”

    Chapter 9
    Quinn circled his cousin Kyle on the training mats where they were practicing their hand-to-hand combat skills. He had come to the gym an hour ago and worked out hard to release some of his pent-up anger. His cousins came in and immediately knew something was wrong. Instead of asking him to talk about it, they offered to practice with him.
    Now they were ready for him to answer some questions. Liam asked, “What happened?”
    “Did you know that Uncle Devlon kept me off the riskier missions?”
    Kyle shook his head but Liam wouldn’t look him in the eyes.
    “You knew, didn’t you, Liam?”
    “I did. He was only trying to protect you.”
    “Well, he’s given me a choice this time, but he tried to talk me out of it by using—Squirrel.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “He said that because I was with her, she might be carrying my child.”
    Liam nodded. “It could be true. I got Maggie pregnant early on, and Kyle and Rachel are expecting now. I’m surprised Lily isn’t pregnant yet.”
    Quinn was still frustrated. “Uncle Devlon says that I’ll be too worried about her to concentrate on the mission. I’ve worked too hard to let anything get in my way, especially someone I just met.”
    The three men were so deep in their conversation they didn’t see the small shadow by

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