The Secret Book Club

Free The Secret Book Club by Ann M. Martin

Book: The Secret Book Club by Ann M. Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann M. Martin
have to say, this sounds kind of like homework. The Melendys never chose homework for their adventures.”
    â€œNope, there’s more.” Olivia picked up the letter again. “Okay, let’s see. We’ll have to finish our chapter early in the afternoon, because at three o’clock we’re supposed to … huh.”
    â€œWhat? What?” cried Ruby, scanning her copy of the letter.
    â€œThe letter says,” Olivia continued, “‘At three o’clock, ring the doorbell at number three fifty-seven Harmony Lane. The rest of your adventure will unfold from there. Don’t worry — I’ve already spoken to your parents or grandparents about this and have their permission for you to go to the house.’ Then the letter ends with, ‘Enjoy your next Saturday adventure!’”
    â€œHuh,” said Nikki. “So Min and all our parents know who the secret book club person is.”
    â€œWhere’s Harmony Lane?” asked Flora.
    Nikki shrugged, but Olivia said, “We can walk to it from the Row Houses.”
    â€œI wonder what a house on Harmony Lane has to do with Roll of Thunder ,” said Ruby.
    Ruby, Nikki, and Flora turned to Olivia, but Olivia said, “Don’t look at me. I only know about the Jim Crow laws.”
    â€œHey, there’s Mr. Willet!” exclaimed Ruby as the door to Needle and Thread opened. “Hi, Mr. Willet!”
    Mr. Willet smiled at the girls, and Ruby and Olivia squinched over on the couch to make room for him.
    â€œAre you here to buy something?” asked Ruby.
    â€œNo. I had an idea and I wanted to talk to your grandmother about it. Your grandmother, too, Olivia.”
    Mr. Willet’s idea, it turned out, was to hold a series of sewing workshops at Three Oaks, where his wife now lived. “Of course, Mary Lou wouldn’t be able to join in the workshops, but lots of the other residents would. Three Oaks offers classes all the time, and I know there are a number of talented seamstresses living there, and they’d love to take a specialized class. Seamstresses being a misleading word, by the way, since a number of those people are men,” Mr. Willet added. “Anyway, what do you think?” he asked Min and Gigi, who had now joined Mr. Willet at the front of the store.
    â€œIt’s a wonderful idea, Bill,” said Gigi. “The only problem is that Min and I don’t often leave the store at the same time.”
    â€œI have a thought, though,” said Min. “What if Flora and I taught the classes?”
    â€œMe?” cried Flora.
    â€œYou’re capable,” said Min.
    â€œMore than capable, I imagine,” said Mr. Willet. “Well, I think that sounds fine. I’ll talk to the activities director at Three Oaks and let you know what happens.”
    â€œHey, Mr. Willet,” said Ruby, “have you heard about Nelson Day?”
    â€œIs that the fund-raiser to help the Nelson family?”
    â€œYup.” Ruby nodded. “And it was all my idea.” She glanced at Min. “But, um, it isn’t just about me. I mean, everyone is helping with the project. Nearly everyone in town! You know,” she went on, “I just thought of something. We’re kind of like the animals in The Rats of NIMH , all doing our part for,” she paused, “for one great cause.”
    â€œIt sounds as though you girls are enjoying your secret book club,” said Mr. Willet.
    Olivia frowned. “You know about the book club? Did we mention it to you?”
    â€œI think Min did,” said Mr. Willet quickly.
    The bell over the door jangled then. Min and Gigi got to their feet to help the customer, and Flora forgot about books and the book club and turned her attention to the thought of teaching a sewing workshop for grown-ups.

Mary Lou Willet’s mind had once been sharp and clear. People had said she had an unusually good memory. Long ago, when she

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