Forged in Honor (1995)

Free Forged in Honor (1995) by Leonard B Scott

Book: Forged in Honor (1995) by Leonard B Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leonard B Scott
same time each peeled away and made a wide loop before coming back to their original positions and halting.
    Bak leaned toward Sarah. "Now you will see the final phase of the test, combining horsemanship and weapons skills. Notice the melons at the far end of the field."
    As Bak was speaking, Joshua spun his horse around and lined up behind Stephen. All at once both ponies sank to their knees and rolled onto their sides. Both young men took their rifles from their shoulders, lay over the ponies' flanks, and fired at the melons. Stephen hit a melon, as did Joshua. Stephen fired again, followed by Joshua. Two more melons exploded in succession. Jerking their horses back up, both boys remounted and reslung their rifles. Grasping their sword hilts, they smiled broadly at each other and together made the blades sing as the shafts were pulled from their sheaths. Holding the glistening blades high, they kicked their ponies. "Ayeeeee!" they screamed as they galloped full speed toward two remaining melons on barrels.
    With swords held high they closed within striking distance and slashed downward.
    On a distant hill overlooking the plateau, Sawbaw Xu Kang lowered his field glasses but kept his stare on the field. A single tear trickled down his cheek and fell into the dust.
    Horseman Lante stepped up to his leader and nodded his head. "Stephen performed as a true Horseman, Chindit. You can be very proud."
    Xu Kang rolled his shoulders back and took a breath.
    "Yes, I am very proud. Of both of them." He faced the Horseman and canted his head. "Were we ever as graceful as they?"
    The Horseman smiled and handed the reins of the Sawbaw's horse to him. "We were, Chindit ... many, many monsoons ago."
    Xu Kang bellowed in laughter and swung into the saddle.
    Reining his raven horse around to face the other mounted Horseman, he stood in the stirrups and shouted, "My brothers, the gods are smiling on me this day! My son has become a man!"
    Sarah was trying to smile as Joshua rode toward her, but her tears wouldn't stop.
    Joshua climbed down from the saddle, lifted his mother off the ground, and gave her a kiss on the chin. Lowering her slowly to the ground, he winked. "How was I?"
    "Wonderful, really wonder-I'm sorry for crying. It's just that you were both so good. I still can't believe it."
    Stephen rode up and bowed his head to the small woman.
    "Your son is an insufferable show-off." He pinned Joshua with an angry stare before breaking into a grin. "But I love him anyway. We were good, weren't we?"
    Sarah bobbed her head, still trying to stop her tears. "I'm so proud of you two. I'll fix whatever you want for dinner to celebrate."
    The young men exchanged worried glances before Joshua sighed and faced his mother. "Mom, it's kind of traditional for those who pass the tests to have a little party. The Teacher and the militia are giving us one at the Horsemen's camp. I-we won't be home tonight."
    Sarah's smile dissolved. "Is there drinking involved?"
    Joshua lowered his chin. "A little zu. But we know to be careful."
    Sarah stepped closer. "And will there be girls at this party?"
    Joshua's head dropped further. "Yes, some were invited," he said meekly.
    Sarah was about to speak but stopped herself and took a deep breath instead. Then she spun around and headed back toward the village. After ten steps, she yelled back over her shoulder. "At least you two be at breakfast on time."
    Joshua sighed in relief and winked at Stephen as he climbed back up on his pony. He began to direct his mount toward the Horseman's but but glanced over his shoulder at his mother walking back to the village. He looked pleadingly at Stephen, who nodded and said, "If you don't, I will. Go on, I'll explain your tardiness to Teacher."
    Joshua kicked the pony's flanks and galloped toward his mother.
    Sarah heard the hoof beats approaching and turned. Joshua reined in the lathered horse and grinned as he offered her his hand. "A pretty lady should always ride. Will you

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