The Blackstone Legacy

Free The Blackstone Legacy by Rochelle Alers

Book: The Blackstone Legacy by Rochelle Alers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rochelle Alers
    He smiled for the first time, showing a mouth filled with large white teeth. “Yes, ma’am.”
    â€œHow old are you, Mark?”
    â€œDo you have a high school diploma?”
    â€œYes, ma’am. I dropped out at sixteen, but I went back and finished up last year. My dad said if I passed the test to get into a college he would pay for me to go.”
    â€œWhat do you want to be?”
    He dropped his head again. “I’m not sure. I know I don’t want to muck out stables for the rest of my life.”
    â€œGood for you.” Kelly paused. “I’ll help you.”
    Mark leaned forward and grasped her hands. “Thank you, Miss Kelly.”
    She winced as he increased the pressure on her fingers. “You can let go of my hand now.” He released her hand, mumbling an apology. “If I’m going to tutor you, then it will have to be in the evenings.”
    He bobbed his head. “Yes, ma’am.”
    â€œDo you have any SAT practice books?”
    â€œNo, ma’am,” he said quickly. “If you want I can pick up some.”
    â€œNo, Mark. I’ll buy them. I have an account with a company in Richmond that specializes in educational materials and equipment. I’ll call and have the books sent to me at the school.”
    â€œBut I’ll still pay for it.”
    Shaking her head, Kelly said in a quiet voice, “Save your money, Mark. I’m certain Blackstone Farms will not be forced to file for bankruptcy because I charged a few review manuals to their account. As soon as they arrive I’ll get in touch with you so we can arrange a schedule that will be conducive to both of us. Do you live here on the farm?”
    â€œYes, ma’am.”
    Kelly stood up, Mark rising with her. “I’ll meet you in the dining hall, and we’ll talk.”
    He closed his eyes, inhaled, and then let out his breath slowly. When he opened his eyes they were glistening with moisture. “I’d like to ask another favor, Miss Kelly.”
    She arched an eyebrow. “Ask.”
    He managed a sheepish grin. “I don’t want anyone to know you’re tutoring me.”
    Nodding, Kelly said, “It will remain our secret.”
    â€œThank you, Miss Kelly.”
    â€œThank me after you get an acceptance letter from a college.”
    â€œThank you,” he repeated before he turned on his heels and walked quickly out of the building.
    Kelly felt a warm glow flow through her. She had come to Blackstone Farms to teach the preschool children of its employees, but there was nothing in her contract that precluded her extending her teaching skills to the farm’s employees.
    All of the children arrived by eight o’clock. They babbled excitedly about going swimming. Kelly had promised them the day before that if the morning temperature rose above seventy degrees, they could go swimming before lunch.
    Sheldon motioned to Kelly. “I’ll be bringing Sean for the next few days. Ryan had to take a mare to Richmond late last night for surgery.”
    â€œWhat happened?”
    â€œHe had to repair a bone spavin.” Sheldon noted Kelly’s puzzled expression, reminding himself she hadn’t lived on the horse farm long enough to become familiar with equine terminology. “That’s when there is an indefinite hind-lameness that shortens a horse’s stride.”
    â€œWill she be all right?”
    â€œRyan says her chances of recovery are at least ninety percent.”
    â€œRyan told me that all of the children ride.” Sheldon nodded. “But do they know exactly what everyone who works at the farm does?”
    Sheldon’s silver-colored eyes narrowed as he angled his head. “I don’t know.”
    Kelly lifted her dimpled chin and smiled up at Sheldon, unaware of how attractive she was. “I’d like to set up a field trip. I’d like to take

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