Mr. Darcy and the Secret of Becoming a Gentleman

Free Mr. Darcy and the Secret of Becoming a Gentleman by Maria Hamilton

Book: Mr. Darcy and the Secret of Becoming a Gentleman by Maria Hamilton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maria Hamilton
    â€œIndeed it is, sir.”
    An awkward pause ensued. To Elizabeth’s surprise, it was Darcy who spoke next. “Sir William, do you get much opportunity to travel to London?” As Darcy hoped, such an inquiry led Sir William into a long dissertation on St. James’ Court, the ton, its inhabitants, and the condition of the roads leading there during the various seasons. All Darcy needed to do was periodically add a comment. The respite gave Darcy an opportunity to steal a sidelong glance at Elizabeth. He could not help but notice how lovely she looked. But he could also detect how uncomfortable his presence made her. Her hands seemed unable to stay at her side, and the bright blush of her cheeks betrayed her embarrassment at having to see him again. He resolved to put her out of her misery as soon as possible. He thought of how ironic it was that, after all he hoped they would be to each other, the only pleasure he could give her now was the gift of his absence. He saw Jane across the room and contemplated asking her to dance immediately so that he could leave that much sooner, but he remembered the words he had overheard. If he singled her out for his first and only dance of the evening, people would misunderstand his intentions.
    As he considered his options, Sir William asked, “Sir, how is your aunt, the Lady Catherine de Bourgh? I had the pleasure of meeting her when I brought my Maria and Miss Elizabeth to Kent earlier this spring to visit my daughter, Mrs. Collins.”
    â€œIt is very kind of you to ask. She is quite well. I have not seen her since my recent visit to Rosings, but she has written to me several times.” At the mention of Rosings, Darcy instinctively looked to Elizabeth. She caught his eye, looking grave, and then looked away.
    â€œShe must be a very loyal correspondent and a wonderful aunt.”
    â€œYes, she writes often.”
    â€œI could well imagine. She has been very kind to both my daughters and was more than willing to help direct them on a variety of issues. Her vigilant counsel must be a comfort to you.”
    â€œShe seems so interested in such a wonderful variety of things.”
    Unable to hide the irony in his voice, Darcy replied, “Yes, I have heard it said many times that she is excessively attentive.”
    Elizabeth was unable to stifle a laugh before she put her hand in front of her mouth and looked away. Darcy was both shocked and delighted that she had laughed at his remark, however unintentional the humor. He cast a sideways glance, and when he caught her eye, he gave her a small smile, revealing his dimples, to express his contrition at having been caught making fun of his aunt. To his amazement, she returned his smile before recollecting herself and looking away. Darcy felt a flood of emotions. While she smiled at him, his heart swelled. They had shared a private moment, and in it he could believe that she might someday forgive him and allow him another chance. But when she looked away, he knew she had laughed in spite of herself and that his presence was a burden to her.
    Darcy turned his attention back to Sir William, who was waxing eloquent about Lady Catherine’s generous attention to the running of Mrs. Collins’s household. As the music started for the next set, John Lucas interrupted his father. “Father, please excuse me, but I believe I must find my partner for the next set.”
    Sir William replied for everyone, “Oh, yes, John, so you must. Go, go. How I do love dancing. All young people should be so engaged.” At that, Sir William looked from Elizabeth to Darcy and smiled broadly. Elizabeth cringed as she recalled her refusal of Mr. Darcy’s invitation to dance at Lucas Lodge.
    Darcy also immediately remembered Sir William’s failed attempts to persuade Elizabeth to dance with him. Intent on avoiding the mortification of a repeat performance, Darcy impulsively said,

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