The Falling Kind

Free The Falling Kind by Randileigh Kennedy

Book: The Falling Kind by Randileigh Kennedy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Randileigh Kennedy
                  “Sweet. Then why don’t you move to southern California with me? We’ll start a taco stand,” he joked.
                  “That sounds about as random as what I have in mind,” I replied, trying the second taco. This one was full of chicken and avocados with some sort of tangy sauce. It tasted even better than the first one.
                  “ These other two are spicy,” he explained, completely shifting the conversation. I was relieved by that. I certainly wanted to know more about him, but I can’t say I was all that eager to tell him more about myself. “Do you want to at least try them?”
                  I nodded and he held one out to me. I bit into it, trying to decipher all of the flavors. This one tasted like shredded pork. He was right though, the spicy pepper sauce on it certainly had a kick.
                  “It’s good, but hot,” I commented once I swallowed the bite.
                  “Try this one.”
                  I took a quick sip of my Sprite before biting into the next taco he held up. I couldn’t even figure out what was in that one – different meats, some crazy type of chunky salsa. It was pretty fiery.
                  “That one’s too much for me,” I said, quickly taking a sip of my drink.
                  “I’m impressed you bit into it without even knowing what they were,” he stated with a raised brow. “It’s quickly changing my opinion of you.” He had a boyish grin and I couldn’t help but smile back at him.
                  “Do I even want to know what your opinion is?” I mused.
                  “Not until I have you figured out. I need more time. You’re an enigma. You’re all pretty and proper one minute, then you’re dive-bar hopping and eating taco stand food the next. You’re all over the place, I can’t quite get an accurate read on you. You have a pig living in your kitchen, but yet you have no hesitation finishing off a pork taco. You’re fascinating.”
                  I wasn’t sure if he was completely mocking me, but his tone was sweet. Honestly I couldn’t figure him out either, so we had that in common.
                  “Do all the other girls turn down your tacos when you shove them in front of their mouths?” I said lightheartedly.
                  “You’re the first girl I’ve ever brought here actually,” he said sweetly. “Usually I just hang around here trying to pick up on ones who already share my love of Tony’s,” he teased.
                  I playfully swatted his arm. “Well while we’re on the subject, where’s your girlfriend? Or did you dump her because she was a vegetarian or something?” I joked.
                  “No girl,” he replied. “Not for a long time.”
                  “I imagine your strong stature and perfect jaw line are quite a turn off for most women,” I said sarcastically.
                  “So you noticed my face,” he replied playfully. “Everyone else just stares at my chest. I know what you women go through. The struggle is real.”
                  I laughed as he said it, appreciating his sense of humor. I enjoyed being around him even more than I thought I would.  For some reason I thought our dinner might be quiet and awkward, or that I would be so nervous that I would start rambling about baseball again, or something else just as stupid. Instead though, I felt perfectly comfortable to be with him.
                  “I’m sure you have to work early tomorrow, but can we walk down by the beach? I want to show you something,” he asked.
                  “Tomorrow is actually my late start day,” I replied. “I don’t go in until nine. I don’t have to be home that early.” Eeek. An omission that I

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