A Touch of Souls (Immortal Souls)

Free A Touch of Souls (Immortal Souls) by Erin Harris

Book: A Touch of Souls (Immortal Souls) by Erin Harris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Harris
    We pulled into a restaurant that appeared to be Italian, and walking inside, my guess was confirmed. The place was decorated with vines and flowers on dark mahogany walls. We were led to a table in the back where we sat just us two. There was no one around us. The table was lit by two simple candles on either side of the table. It was comforting knowing we were going to be alone.
    Adrian ordered my food for me, I had insisted that I could order for myself,but he was very persistent so I relented and let him do as he pleased. Before our food arrived, I ended up needing to go the bathroom, so I asked where it was. Adrian pointed in the direction and offered to walk me. I politely declined before heading in the direction he had indicated.
    Just before I walked into the bathroom, I saw a figure slip into the mens' room. As I racked my brain to find out why the man had looked so familiar, I realized that it had been Dimitri. The man of the evening apparently.
    Washing my hands and splashing water on my face, it was easy to convince myself that I had simply been imagining things, before returning to my secluded table with Adrian. Our dinner was already set on the table when I arrived. He had waited patiently before eating. As I neared, he stood and pulled out my chair for me. Ever the gentleman , I thought with a smile in his direction as he took his seat.  
    Dinner and dessert passed with out anything extraordinary happening, which with how my life has been lately, was a total relief! I learned that Adrian's favorite color was green, just as his eyes, he lived with Dimitri because both had lost their parents. Dimitri early on, Adrian here recently. Adrian enjoyed plying football and was thinking about trying out for the team and he was also really funny and sweet. I could totally see myself being with him!
    "So, I was wondering, would you be my girlfriend.... Exclusively?" Adrian asked shyly as we finished our meal.
    "Yeah, I think I would like that," I answered smiling at him. This could really be what I need to get my mind off of Dimitri and his obvious hatred for me. But should I really do this when I just dumped Hunter?
    After Adrian paid for our meal and tipped our waiter, we decided to take a walk outside. As we neared the street, Adrian looked at me with a sly grin and slid his gaze over to the swing set at the park a block away. "Race ya," he said before winking and taking off.
    There was no way in hell I was going to let him beat me! I took off running as fast as I could, even when it was apparent I wouldn't beat him. I ran across the street and saw only the look of horror cross Adrian's face before I saw a truck hurtling toward me. It wasn't going to be able to stop in time!
    I had no time to think before I was slammed from behind and my vision was filled with a mixture of violet and black feathers. If this was how I was going to see my death, with Dimitri's wings around me, I was perfectly content.
    Chapter 7
    Voices overlapping. Wings, a mixture of purple, green, and black feathers. Shouts. Two guys calling my name. Who are they? They're gorgeous. Both of them. So similar. Familiar. A pain radiates through my back and head. My world spins before it finally settles and I realize I'm on the ground.
    I see Dimitri first, he's huddled over my right side, holding my hand. His wings expand from his naked back. The wings from my dreams, but I know I'm not dreaming anymore. The pain is too real to be a dream.
    Frantically looking around, I see Adrian and remember our beautiful evening. Those thoughts are cut short, however, when I see nervously twitching feathers. Green and black, just like Dimitri's, expand from his back. His shirt wasn't ripped off, though. What the hell was going on?!
    "What the-"
    "Oh my God! My sweet, I'm so sorry! I should have seen that truck," Adrian's words come out in a nervous rush as he looked me up and down, ensuring that I was really okay.
    "Are you alright?" Dimitri's accented words

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