Sanguine Rave - A Vampire Romance (Paranormal Romance, Vampire)

Free Sanguine Rave - A Vampire Romance (Paranormal Romance, Vampire) by Amanda Bowen

Book: Sanguine Rave - A Vampire Romance (Paranormal Romance, Vampire) by Amanda Bowen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Bowen
    Sanguine Rave
    A Vampire Romance
    (Paranormal Romance, Vampire, Supernatural)
         David Harding had wanted to be a cop since he was nine years old and snuck into the family room while he was home sick from school and popped in his dad's VHS collection of Dirty Harry movies.  Being a cop was a whole lot different from what Hollywood peddled it as, that was for sure.  There was a whole lot more walking a beat, and a whole lot less driving around in a cool car while evading bad guys who wanted to burn you down.  There were really no arch villains in the real world, and most of the criminals were dirty, desperate regular people who had just decided that it would be easier to take what they needed than toil away in a dead end job.  Most of them were kind of pitiable in a way, a lot more of those people trapped into joining gangs and dealing because of where they were born and a lot less of those truly evil people that made the devil look like a rank amateur.  He was mature enough to be really thankful for that, because God forbid he live in 'interesting times' like the old Chinese curse.  He was content to investigate the petty crimes that came across his desk, and smart enough to know how to get a bigger case like murder actually moving and worked on properly.  He had a little file though, locked in the bottom right drawer of his desk of, to put it bluntly, weird cases.  Unsolved things, strange witness testimony, even a few copies of reports he'd had to file himself after witnessing something that failed to make rational sense. 
         Right now he was holding something in his hands that he felt was going to end up in that locked drawer once this investigation was over.  There'd been a fire at a club that had opened up in a run down area that had once held storage and shipping businesses that the economy had driven under.  It had been a near total loss, the firefighters arriving as the fire was well and truly blazing and it had taken them time to find a working hydrant.  Thankfully the fire had started during the day, and no one had been injured or killed.  It looked suspicious though, the Fire Marshall muttering something about possible accelerant trails as he passed Detective Harding.  He'd found the book himself behind the bar, tucked down next to the little mini safe where the tender would put wads of cash safely away until closing and the bar had been lined with metal.  So while it smelled of smoke and one corner was a little singed?  For the most part it had been one lucky little book.  It was obviously a diary, leather cover with a unicorn engraved on it and colored pink.  There was a little gold lock, and a little gold key on a ribbon attached to that.  It reminded him of something his kid sister had kept in high school, truth be told.  He'd tagged it, but ended up taking it back to the station house himself and now he was sitting at his desk reading it with a cooling cup of coffee forgotten while he did.
         I'm not really sure why I decided to start writing this , other than maybe I just don't want to forget some of the things I've gone through and I've noticed this sort of hazy view I've developed of the past.  I don't know if that's because of what I am, a sort of built in mental defense mechanism to make things seem fine as the years go on, or what.  Some things though, are as bright and clear as if I was just going through them, so that doesn't make sense to me.  I can remember how excited I was to get my driver's license, when Billy James asked me to my Senior Prom, and how proud my parents were when I graduated as Salutatorian of my High School class.  But those are just moments, and everything else is like looking through an old lace tablecloth that your grandma left out in a house full of smokers.  My name is Elle, short for Ellizebet, and my family name is Bathory.  Thankfully my classmates weren't too hot on history or I'd have

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