stuff at the drop of a hat, doesn’t mean she’s hard-hearted or suffering from a broken one.”
    His eyes were interested. “ So there aren’t any ghosts from the past influencing your feelings?”
    “No.” As she spoke she realized that somewhere in her disarray of emotions she’d unconsciously made her decision. Even if it proved to be the worst mistake of her life, she would take as much of him as he and time allowed. She glugged the rest of her wine and put the glass down. “Okay, since you keep asking, I’m stepping over the line. Let’s do it.”
    She watched his eyes fill with surprise. They lunged at each other, mouths fusing as he rolled them away from the picnic food. She caught handfuls of his now damp hair, her mouth as hot and hungry as his. She couldn’t get enough of him. The taste of him surging through her system as his tongue thrust deep into her mouth. She writhed beneath him, positioning herself into the spread of his long legs, moaning with wanton pleasure when his erection bucked against her pussy. At the same time, her greedy hands pushed at the soft fabric of his shirt, she couldn’t make her fingers move fast enough, fumbling with buttons before she shoved the fabric aside, making low humming sounds of pleasure as she moved her hands over his warm muscled chest.
    Duncan broke the kiss and lifted her top. “I want to feel you against me.” She helped him to strip off her clothing. Both of them breathing raggedly by the time he’d unsnapped her bra and pulled down her panties. His hot gaze swept over her breasts, along her torso and down to the triangle of her sex. “Jesus, you’re beautiful.”
    The look in his eyes gave her a heady feeling of power. No man had made her feel so alive, so female.
    “Your skin’s so soft.” Gently his strong fingers brushed her breasts, circling the curve before he thumbed her nipples into hard tingling peaks. When he bent to close strong white teeth over a distended ruby bud, she shut her eyes in pure pleasure, each tug of his mouth sending hot charges to her melting core. All the while, she could feel the exciting press of his rigid cock.
    Suddenly, he rolled with her again so she was straddling him. “Do what you want,” he rasped.
    She looked down into his narrowed eyes and then at his chest, which gleamed in the sunlight. She ran her fingers lightly across his skin, enjoying the smoothness and hardness as his amazing muscles flexed beneath her fingertips. He watched her as she traced a finger along the sexy line of hair leading down to his belt buckle. When she unzipped his fly, he sucked in a breath, his belly contracting as his penis sprang free. She made an approving sound as she circled him with her fingers. He was big and hard and throbbing with incredible heat. Quickly, she slid downward and took him into her mouth, hearing the hitch in his breathing as she swirled her tongue around his large cockhead. She savored the feel of his warm satiny flesh, and the hardness beneath, making an appreciative sound at the pleasant taste of his arousal. When she sucked, he groaned deeply. She glanced up from under her lashes. His handsome features had frozen into an arrested expression, his breathing shallow and fast. She lapped at his ridges and caressed his balls to find that sensitive spot that drove men crazy. When she circled it with her finger, his hips bucked uncontrollably. For some reason, her mind pictured the couple she’d seen in the garden, prompting her to take him deeper. Listening to him hiss through his teeth as she sucked his large girth in as far as she could. When she felt him pulse in her throat, she knew he was close to coming. She sucked rapidly.
    “Ahh…stop. I’m gonna come before I get to you.” He caught her arms to stay her motion, breathing in pants as he pulled out of her mouth. Then he held her still as he slid down beneath her, his hands stroking over her bare bottom while his mouth moved over her neck and shoulders

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