Last Hope

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Book: Last Hope by Jesse Quinones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jesse Quinones
Tags: jesse quinones, last hope, mre380, x project
Jordan and the new recruit said at the same time.
    Frederick was confused at what was
going on when the two of them starts to laugh. Then Jordan explain
what was going on. “Meet Jake Jordan. He is going to be my little
apprentice. Don’t worry about him though, he is learning from the
best.” Jordan says with a smile.
    “ If by the best you mean
being the worst shot in all B.A.S.E and getting drunk, then welcome
to the crew.” Fredrick says with a smile.
    “ That was only one time!”
Jordan shouts out. “You still remember that?”
    “ Everyone at B.A.S.E
remembers that Jordan, I swear you are going to die as the drunken
idiot.” Jordan ignore Frederick comments as all five of them got on
the plane together.

    As they reach their destination, David
scouts ahead and spot three Sons inside the school. One target ran
around inside the school, David and Long fire at target, Long kills
it, then the other two came bursting around inside, found cover.
One fire at Long but miss. Two more shows up, both Frederick and
Jake fire at them, both miss. “Why are they at the school?” Jake
    “ Shoot first, ask questions
later Jake, that is the rules in this war.” Frederick told
    David fell back a little, fire at his
target inside the building to the left, hit but not a lot of
damage. Long moves close to the school wall to get a better shot
inside, from the left when he found five more. “Hey guys!” Long
shots. “There are a lot of Sons in this school, get ready for an
all out firefight!”
    “ That’s our cue, get ready
guys!” Frederick told everyone. Long fire inside the building, but
miss his target. Frederick took aim with his sniper, and also miss
his target. Song toss a grenade at her target, to the right, hurt
but not kill. Jake saw the explosion and was able to kill the
target. David, Long, and Frederick all got shot at, David got hit,
barely alive and is being pin down by enemy fire, Long and
Frederick did not got hit. “Davy, you all right!?” Frederick ask
out of concern.
    “ Never better, just get this
asswhole off of me!” David told Fredrick. Frederick took aim at the
target that is pinning down David but miss. “FOR CHRIST SAKE
Jake toss a grenade at the same target enemy, almost killed him.
The Son stop laying fire at David. “Thank you Jake, you are my new
best friend.” Song fire a rocket inside the school at the heavy,
did not kill him. Long took aim and was able to kill the heavy.
David ran to cover, killed the target that was pinning him down.
“Eat led you piece of shit.” David told the Son after he shot the
Son dead.
    Fredrick got shot at, hit but is doing
fine. David fire at a heavy but miss. Frederick took aim to the
right, killed another target. Song moves ahead a little, miss her
target. Long fire inside kill another target. A heavy shot at Long,
he is hurt but is doing ok. “Jordan, are you ok?” Jake
    “ I’m fine other Jordan, it
is going to take more than that to get rid of me.” Jordan told Jake
as he moves away from the fight to reload his gun. Frederick took
aim at a heavy, miss. One Son shot at long from afar, the bullet
hit Long and now Long is not doing so well. “You can die for your
cause, I am staying alive for mine.” Long frie back, killed the
target that shot at him. Song miss her target. Jake also miss as
    David moves forward, shot at a heavy,
barely left a dent. That heavy killed David. Song saw what happen
to David, before she could do anything a Son opens a door behind
her, fires and miss. Song rush to cover, fire at enemy but also
miss. Heavy shot at Jake, killed him. “He was so young!” Jordan
said out in anger as he saw his friend got gun down before
    Song get shot at, but the bullets miss
her, as she has to reload her LMG. Long quickly put some bandages
on his wound. Heavy shot at Fredrick but miss. Another enemy is in
the same room as Song. Song got

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