Last Hope
calls out.
    Everyone knew that Estela was killed in
battle when they heard katrina over all of the gunfire that was
going on. As they want to mourn for their loss they had to keep on
going. Sandra kill the target that Shot at Mandisa. Katarina kill
target that shot at her and killed Estela. “Is it over?” Mandisa
ask out of breath.
    “ Yea.” Sandra told her as
she was also out of breath.
    Chavez, who finish coughing from the
poison look around, see what was going on. “Is Estela going to,
make it?” He mumble under his breath as he walk over to her. He
almost look away as he saw all the bullets that went into her. “She
went down fighting.”
    “ How are we going to tell
Sara?” Mandisa ask Sandra.

    When they all got back home, Sandra,
Chavez, and katerina all became a lieutenant. mandisa was put in
Sic-mad for five days. Chavez for two and Katarina was put in
Sic-mad for three days. Sandra was the only one who did not had to
go to the hospital. She was in the bar with Kato drinking a beer.
“You told me to stop drinking, here you are taking a drink.” Kato
told her.
    “ I guess, one drink after a
heavy mission is all right.”
    “ Did Estela not make it
    “ No, she did not.” Sandra
told her as she took a sip. “The hard part is not that a fellow
soldier of mine died, its the fact that somehow I am going to have
to tell Sara that estla won’t be returning to the castle anymore.”
Sandra let out a long sigh. “How was she, anyway?”
    “ She was great. Always had a
smile on her face. She is very playful, I can see why you and the
others don’t share her around.” Kato told her as she also took a
sip of beer. “You don;t have to tell her you know.”
    “ What do you
    “ Just tell her that estela
has to go to another place to fight off more bad guys or something.
You place her in a fantasy, with castles, dragons, and knights. Let
Estela be the lone knight, that has to go to another castle to
slave a dragon.”
    “ Think that, the plan will
be that simple?”
    “ Simple or not, it’s the
only option you have, if you don’t want to tell her that she is
dead. I say at least this, if she does figure out, then she will be
able to cope with the pain a little bit less.”
    “ I guess.”

    Sandra and Kato was with Sara, as they
sat next to her to tell Sara the bad news. “Hey Sara, I got some
exciting news for you.” Sandra said with the best fake smile that
she got. “The king had order Estela to go to another castle to
protect the princess overthere.”
    “ Will she be back?” Sara ask
with a curious face.
    Sandra look up at Kato who only gave
her a slight nod. “We don’t know if she will come back. As she
left, she wanted me to tell you that she is going to be thinking
about you every single day.”
    As Sandra finish, Sara bought the lie.
“Ok.” She said at last. “I can’t wait to see Estela again. She told
me that I was a daughter that she could never have.” She said as
she gave Sandra a hug.
    Mission 13 Unlucky
    The following day, it was a little bit
quiet around the bas as everyone was moming the lost of estela.
While Sara had no idea what really happen to her. Fredrick was
talking with David about what happen on the previous mission.
“Bombs?” Fredrick said with a sigh. “I think the Sons are just
getting desperate now.” Frederick look around and could see Sara
playing around happily. “Poor girl, living in a fantasy, thinking
that everything is going to be all right.”
    David quickly interrupts Frederick.
“Everything is going to be all right!” He pause before continuing.
“Isint it?”
    Frederick let out a long sigh. “I don’t
know Kelly, I just don’t know anymore.” Both Frederick and David's
pagers goes off. “Well, looks like it is our turn now.”

    As Frederick and David made it to the
plane, there they saw Jordan , Song and a new recruit. “Morning
Jordan, Song.” Fredrick says with a smile.
    “ Morning Fredrik!”

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