Last Hope

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Book: Last Hope by Jesse Quinones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jesse Quinones
Tags: jesse quinones, last hope, mre380, x project
shot at but doing ok. “Help!” Song
cries out. Once Fredrick hear Son speak, he knew that she was
really in trouble.
    Song retreats further back. Frederick
took a shot inside the building where song is, killed a target.
Heavy shot at Fredrick again, miss. “Long!” Frederick call out.
Can’t you do anything about this fucking heavy!?”
    “ I’ll see what I can do!”
Long moves close to the heavy, shot at the heavy. did some damage
but the heavy still stands. Frederick took aim at heavy, still
miss. Heavy shot at long, but miss Long took aim again and took out
the heavy. “Lets go save Song.” Long told Fredrick, out of breath.
Despite being in complete pain, Long rushes inside the building
were Song was at and kill the last Son. As Long stood over his
kill, Song came rushing to him and gave him a giant hug. “It’s over
now Song, it’s finally over.” Song said in a calm voice.

    When they came back home, no one was
greeting them. The United States and China are in a giant panic
with the terrorist attack. Long becomes a corporal while he gets
put on Sic-Mad for eight days. Frederick is wounded for four while
Song is wounded or three. Long fell into a small coma from the
amount of blood that he had lost on the battlefield while he was on
the airplane. When he woke up in the hospital, he found some
flowers, with a note that says “Thanks for saving me, with love,
    Mission 14 Charlie
    While some of the soldiers were
resting, the air force was seeing some action. From time to time
the airplanes in B.A.S.E would go out to fight. It does not happen
a lot because the Sons does not really have access to airplanes,
but every now and then, the Sons will get their hands in one.
“Airplane intercepted, preparing to engage.” The pilot told command
over at X.
    The pilot got shot down and command
lost communication. “A Son destroy one of our elite aircrafts?”
Commander told himself. “We know they had pilots for a long time
but the pilots were never any threat. Where are these pilots coming
    A few weeks went by, United States and
China fell into some really bad Sons attack and they left the X
project. Everyone at X who came from the states was freaking out.
Two american soldiers were talking to each other about the
incident. “Did you hear the news? United States government is shut
down. They pull out of the X project.”
    “ How could they do that,
what about us? Americans that are still in the fight?”
    “ Did you forget that we are
a secret organization? This is it man. You got no life after this,
no home, no families, this is it man.”
    “ I got a family, and a kid!
What do you mean that I am never going to see them
    “ I mean that when you sign
up for this, you sign your name on the dotted line. You sign your
soul away to the devil.”
    “ Man this is bullshit, i’m
out.” The soldier left in a fury with his friend closing close

    Katrina and Son were in the distance,
eating some lunch as they overheard the conversation between the
two men. Katrina couldn't help but to let out a sigh as she gave
Son her words of thoughts. “Seems that we are losing soldiers
everyday, not just be death but there will as well. These soldiers
just don’t have the strength to go on anymore.”
    “ Good, soldiers that are too
weak in war should not be fighting in it anyway. If these men are
having doubts, I would rather have them be doubting here then on
the battlefield.
    “ Hey, Song, you are still
new around here right?”
    “ I am one rank away from
becoming a Sergeant.”
    “ Then tell me, is there
someone that you like?”
    Song was a bit off guard by the
question. “Love is pointless on the battlefield.” She
    “ I never said anything about
love, I said like.” Katrina made a small pause before she
continues. “Since I am such a high level, I don’t get to go out on
mission with other soldiers besides Mandisa, Sandra, and who ever
is at our level. Nothing is

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