Linda Ford

Free Linda Ford by Cranes Bride

Book: Linda Ford by Cranes Bride Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cranes Bride
black slicker and lay down, huddling under the coat.
    “Thank you,” Maggie whispered. “I hope you’ll be warm enough.”
    “I’ll manage.” He’d survived worse.
    “You’re a nice man,” she whispered.
    Crane wasn’t sure he’d heard her correctly. He grunted and waited until Betsy dug her feet into his ribs before he squirmed into a more comfortable position and waited for his thoughts to quiet.
    Out of the darkness a little voice spoke. “I guess his died.”

    He heard Maggie’s sharp intake of breath even as his thoughts flared like a hot burst of flame.
    “Who died?” Maggie asked, the tension behind her low, calm words ringing in his head.
    “Ted’s angel,” Betsy answered calmly.
    “What makes you say that?”
    “Well, he was dead or sleeping when your pa sold Ted to that pig man. Otherwise he would have helped Ted.”
    Smiling, Crane digested the idea, but it wasn’t her statement that made him smile; it was the quick way her mind worked, assessing information, evaluating it against her experience, trying to fit it into her world. And he couldn’t wait to hear what Maggie would say.
    “Far as I know, angels don’t die,” she muttered. “I don’t know about sleeping. Doesn’t seem they should need to.”
    “Then what was he doing?” Betsy demanded. “Maybe playing with someone?”
    Crane chuckled deep in his chest. The little minx wasn’t going to let it go easily.
    Out of the darkness Maggie’s voice challenged him. “You like to answer her?”
    “No. You’re doing fine.”
    “Thanks.” Maggie grunted. “Maybe angels play. Guess I really don’t know. But I don’t blame the angels or God for what happened to Ted.” She paused and drew a trembling breath. “Or me.” Another pause. “My ma told me God loved me no matter what. She said He loved me so much He sent His son, Jesus, to die so we could have our sins forgiven and be part of God’s family. And she said He would never leave me alone. All I had to do was decide whether I wanted it or not.”
    Silence descended for a moment.
    “If I blame anyone, I blame my pa. Him and his bottle.”
    Crane stared into the darkness. People did what they did probably not even thinking how it might hurt another. It was useless to blame. It tied you to the past, controlled the present, and pinched the future.
    “Best to forget it,” he murmured. “What’s done is done. We have the rest of our lives ahead of us.”
    “I suppose you’re right. Not much any of us can do about what’s already happened. Except learn from it.” Her voice hardened. “I know I’ve learned a few things.”
    Crane wondered what lessons Maggie had learned, but Betsy snuggled close to his side, her breathing slow and even, and he didn’t ask for fear of waking her.
    Then out of the darkness Betsy’s soft voice asked, “You’ll never leave us, will you, Crane?”
    It was as much statement as question and drove Crane’s breath from him in a gust. “Don’t see no reason to.” Awkwardly he shifted to one hip so he could drape his arm over Betsy’s wee body, letting her know she was safe. He stiffened as his hand touched Maggie’s warm fingers. She tensed momentarily, but her hand remained beneath his. Inch by inch he relaxed, letting his hand rest on hers. He liked the warm rush of blood through his veins and wondered what Maggie’s reaction would be if he pulled her close. How could he with the child curled between them?
    “You never answered her question,” Maggie whispered.
    “What question?”
    “About leaving. Will you ever leave us, Byler Crane?” Her words whispered through the darkness.
    “Like I said, I don’t see no reason to leave.”
    “What would constitute a reason?”
    He withdrew his hand and threw himself on his back. They were married. Wasn’t that promise enough? He said as much.
    “Your pa was married, and he left.”
    He didn’t need her pointing it out. His jaw tightened. “I can’t answer for my pa, but I

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